Browse Chants

Displaying 1-6 of 6 chants.
Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
196 1 Et dederunt in escam meam

Fer. 6 in Parasceve M V 01 007313a 3
196 2 Vinea mea electa ego te

Fer. 6 in Parasceve M R 1.2 007887 8
196 3 Saepivi te et lapides elegi

Fer. 6 in Parasceve M V 01 007887za 8
196 4 Tamquam ad latronem existis

Fer. 6 in Parasceve M R 1.3 007748 8
196 5 Cumque injecissent manus in

Fer. 6 in Parasceve M V 01 007748b 8
196 6 Vim faciebant qui quaerebant

Fer. 6 in Parasceve M A 2.1 005423 8
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