Browse Chants

Displaying 1-6 of 6 chants.
Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
367 1 Dum in hac terra esset

Benedicti M A 1.3 002457 1
367 2 Liberiori genere ex provincia

Benedicti M A 1.4 003626 8
367 3 Relicta domo rebusque patris

Benedicti M A 1.5 004605 8
367 4 Recessit igitur scienter

Benedicti M A 1.6 004574 4
367 5 Amavit*

Benedicti M W 1. 007941 r
367 6 Fuit vir vitae venerabilis

Benedicti M R 1.1 006751 7
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