Browse Chants

Displaying 1-100 of 697 chants.
Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
001c 1 Omnes sunt administratorii spiritus in

Omnes sunt administratorii spiritus in ministerium missi propter eos qui hereditatem capiunt salutis

Angeli Custodis V A M 205498 8 Image
001c 2 Angelis suis deus mandavit

Angeli Custodis D A 1 200278 8 Image
001c 3 Laudemus dominum quem laudant

Angeli Custodis D A 2 003592 2 Image
001c 4 Angeli eorum semper vident

Angeli Custodis D A 3 001400 8 Image
001d 1 Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus

Laudate deum omnes angeli ejus laudate eum omnes virtutes ejus

Angeli Custodis D A 4 202868 4 Image
001d 2 Sancti angeli custodes nostri

Angeli Custodis V2 A M 205499 1 Image
001r 1 Hoc est praeceptum*

Comm. Apostolorum V A 1 003080 * Image
001r 2 Tollite*

Comm. Apostolorum V R 007770 * Image
001r 3 Exsultet caelum*

Comm. Apostolorum V H 008301 * Image
001r 4 In omnem terram*

Comm. Apostolorum V W 008097 * Image
001r 5 Tradent enim vos in conciliis


Comm. Apostolorum V A M 005164 1 Image
001r 6 Gaudete et exsultate quia


Comm. Apostolorum M I 001080 2 Image
001v 1 Regem apostolorum dominum


Comm. Apostolorum M I 001125 3 Image
001v 2 Aeterna Christi*

Comm. Apostolorum M H 008252 * Image
001v 3 In omnem terram exivit sonus


Comm. Apostolorum M A 1.1 003262 2 Image
001v 4 Haec est generatio


Comm. Apostolorum M A 1.2 002999 3 Image
002r 1 Clamaverunt justi et dominus


Comm. Apostolorum M A 1.3 001823 7 Image
002r 2 Constitues eos principes


Comm. Apostolorum M A 1.4 001902 7 Image
002r 3 Principes populorum


Comm. Apostolorum M A 1.5 004379 8 Image
002r 4 Dedisti hereditatem


Comm. Apostolorum M A 1.6 002133 8 Image
002v 1 In omnem terram exivit sonus

Comm. Apostolorum M W 1. 008097 * Image
002v 2 Ecce ego mitto vos sicut


Comm. Apostolorum M R 1.1 006588 7 Image
002v 3 Dum lucem habetis credite in


Comm. Apostolorum M V 01 006588a 7 Image
003r 1 Tollite jugum meum super vos


Comm. Apostolorum M R 1.2 007770 7 Image
003r 2 Venite ad me omnes qui


Comm. Apostolorum M V 01 007770b 7 Image
003v 1 Dum steteritis ante reges et


Comm. Apostolorum M R 1.3 006564 3 Image
003v 2 Non enim vos estis qui


Comm. Apostolorum M V 01 006564a 3 Image
003v 3 Vidi conjunctos viros


Comm. Apostolorum M R 1.4 007873 4 Image
004r 1 Vidi angelum dei volantem per


Comm. Apostolorum M V 01 007873a 4 Image
004r 2 Annuntiaverunt opera dei et


Comm. Apostolorum M A 2.1 001429 8 Image
004v 1 Exaltabuntur cornua justi


Comm. Apostolorum M A 2.2 002757 6 Image
004v 2 Ego dixi dii estis et


Comm. Apostolorum M A 2.3 002571 4 Image
004v 3 Beati qui habitant in domo


Comm. Apostolorum M A 2.4 001590 1 Image
004v 4 Lux orta est justo alleluia


Comm. Apostolorum M A 2.5 003651 6 Image
004v 5 Lux orta est justo rectis


Comm. Apostolorum TQ M A 2.5 003651 6 Image
005r 1 Custodiebant testimonia ejus


Comm. Apostolorum M A 2.6 002083 4 Image
005r 2 Constitues eos principes

Comm. Apostolorum M W 2. 007994 * Image
005r 3 Beati eritis cum maledixerint


Comm. Apostolorum M R 2.1 006174 7 Image
005v 1 Cum vos oderint homines et


Comm. Apostolorum M V 01 006174a 7 Image
005v 2 Isti sunt triumphatores et


Comm. Apostolorum M R 2.2 007025 4 Image
006r 1 Isti sunt qui venerunt ex


Comm. Apostolorum M V 01 007025a 4 Image
006r 2 Isti sunt qui viventes in


Comm. Apostolorum M R 2.3 007019 8 Image
006v 1 In omnem terram exivit sonus


Comm. Apostolorum M V 01 007019a 8 Image
006v 2 Isti sunt viri sancti quos


Comm. Apostolorum M R 2.4 007026 8 Image
007r 1 Sancti per fidem vicerunt


Comm. Apostolorum M V 01 007026a 8 Image
007r 2 In terra sua duplicia


Comm. Apostolorum M A 3. 205500 3 Image
007r 3 Nimis honorati sunt amici tui

Comm. Apostolorum M W 3. 008148 * Image
007r 4 Fuerunt sine querela ante


Comm. Apostolorum M R 3.1 006748 2 Image
007v 1 Tradiderunt corpora sua


Comm. Apostolorum M V 01 006748a 2 Image
007v 2 Vos estis qui permansistis me


Comm. Apostolorum M R 3.2 602532 7 Image
008r 1 Non vos me elegistis sed


Comm. Apostolorum M V 01 602532a 7 Image
008v 1 Benedicti mei venite aperti


Comm. Apostolorum M R 3.3 006245 7 Image
008v 2 Venite benedicti patris mei


Comm. Apostolorum M V 01 006245a 7 Image
008v 3 Cives apostolorum et


Comm. Apostolorum M R 3.4 006289 7 Image
009r 1 In omnem terram exivit sonus


Comm. Apostolorum M V 01 006289b 7 Image
009v 1 Hoc est praeceptum meum ut


Comm. Apostolorum L A 1 003080 8 Image
009v 2 Majorem caritatem nemo habet


Comm. Apostolorum L A 2 003685 2 Image
009v 3 Vos amici mei estis si


Comm. Apostolorum L A 3 005492 1 Image
009v 4 Beati pacifici beati mundo


Comm. Apostolorum L A 4 001588 1 Image
010r 1 In patientia vestra


Comm. Apostolorum L A 5 003267 2 Image
010r 2 Constitues eos principes


Comm. Apostolorum L R 006329 r Image
010r 3 Memores erunt nominis tui


Comm. Apostolorum L V 01 006329a r Image
010r 4 Exsultet caelum*

Comm. Apostolorum L H 008301 * Image
010r 5 Annuntiaverunt opera dei

Comm. Apostolorum L W 007950 * Image
010r 6 Vos qui reliquistis omnia et


Comm. Apostolorum L A B 005501 1 Image
010v 1 In omnem*

Comm. Apostolorum T W 008097 * Image
010v 2 Constitues*

Comm. Apostolorum S W 007994 * Image
010v 3 Nimis honorati*

Comm. Apostolorum N W 008148 * Image
010v 4 Juravit dominus et non


Comm. Apostolorum V2 A 1 003522 8 Image
010v 5 Collocet eos dominus cum


Comm. Apostolorum V2 A 2 001854 8 Image
010v 6 Dirupisti domine vincula mea


Comm. Apostolorum V2 A 3 002250 7 Image
011r 1 Confortatus est principatus


Comm. Apostolorum V2 A 4 001881 7 Image
011r 2 Nimis honorati sunt amici tui


Comm. Apostolorum V2 R 007215 r Image
011r 3 Nimis confortatus est


Comm. Apostolorum V2 V 01 007215a r Image
011r 4 Exsultet caelum*

Comm. Apostolorum V2 H 008301 * Image
011r 5 Annuntiaverunt opera*

Comm. Apostolorum V2 W 007950 * Image
011r 6 Estote fortes in bello et


Comm. Apostolorum V2 A M 002684 1 Image
011v 1 Justus germinavit*

Comm. unius Martyris V R 007060 * Image
011v 2 Deus tuorum*

Comm. unius Martyris V H 008294 * Image
011v 3 Gloria et honore coronasti

Comm. unius Martyris V W 008081 * Image
011v 4 Iste sanctus pro lege dei


Comm. unius Martyris V A M 003434 8 Image
011v 5 Regem martyrum dominum venite


Comm. unius Martyris M I 001137 3 Image
011v 6 Regem martyrum dominum venite


Comm. unius Martyris M I 001137 4 Image
012r 1 Regem martyrum dominum venite


Comm. unius Martyris M I 001137 6 Image
012r 2 Deus tuorum militum*

Comm. unius Martyris M H 008294 * Image
012r 3 In lege domini fuit voluntas


Comm. unius Martyris M A 1.1 003249 2 Image
012r 4 Praedicans praeceptum domini


Comm. unius Martyris M A 1.2 004359 1 Image
012r 5 Filii hominum scitote quia


Comm. unius Martyris M A 1.3 002879 2 Image
012v 1 Scuto bonae voluntatis tuae


Comm. unius Martyris M A 1.4 004838 2 Image
012v 2 In universa terra gloria et


Comm. unius Martyris M A 1.5 003304 2 Image
012v 3 Justus dominus justitiam


Comm. unius Martyris M A 1.6 003545 7 Image
012v 4 Gloria et honore coronasti

Comm. unius Martyris M W 1. 008081 * Image
012v 5 Iste sanctus pro lege dei


Comm. unius Martyris M R 1.1 007010 5 Image
013r 1 Iste est qui contempsit vitam


Comm. unius Martyris M V 01 007010a 5 Image
013r 2 Justus germinavit sicut


Comm. unius Martyris M R 1.2 007060 1 Image
013r 3 Plantatus in domo domini in


Comm. unius Martyris M V 01 007060a 1 Image
013v 1 Iste cognovit justitiam et


Comm. unius Martyris M R 1.3 006995 3 Image
013v 2 Iste est qui contempsit vitam


Comm. unius Martyris M V 01 006995a 3 Image
014r 1 Honestum fecit illum dominus


Comm. unius Martyris M R 1.4 601069 7 Image
014r 2 Descenditque cum illo in


Comm. unius Martyris M V 01 601069a 7 Image
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