Wien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Cod. 1890

Cantus Siglum
A-Wn Cod. 1890
Holding Institution
Wien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (A-Wn)
Brevarium from the twelfth or thirteenth century of uncertain provenance in southern Germany or Austria. The breviary is possibly from Augbsurg, Germany or Mondsee, Austria. 334 folios. 214 x 160 mm. Adiastematic neumes.
Liturgical Occasions

Ff. 1r-192v: Winter Temporale and Sanctorale: 1r, Advent; 6r, Nicholas of Bari; 13v, Lucy (Lucia); 21r, Thomas; 22v, Great ‘O’ Antiphons; 29v, Christmas Day; 35v, Stephen; 40r, John the Evangelist; 43r, Holy Innocents; 47r, Silvester I; 51v, Epiphany; 59v, Paul the Hermit; 59v, Hilary, Bishop of Poitiers; 61v, Felix of Nola; 63v, Ferial Office; 74v, Maurus; 75r, Macarius; 75r, Antony; 75r, Prisca; 75r, Pope Fabian and Sebastian; 77v, Agnes; 80r, Vincent of Saragossa; 80r, Timothy; 80r, Conversion of Paul; 84r, Valerius, Bishop of Saragossa; 84r, Brigid (Bride); 84r, Purification of Mary (Candlemas); 87v, Blaise, Bishop of Sebastea; 87v, Agatha; 90r, Scholastica; 91r, S. Valentine; 91r, Juliana; 91r, Peter’s Chair; 95r, Matthias; 95r, Walburga; 95r, Gregory the Great; 98r, Benedict; 101r, Annunciation of Mary (Lady Day); 104v, Septuagesima; 108v, Sexagesima; 114v, Ash Wednesday; 115v, Lent; 143v, Palm Sunday; 150v, Holy Thursday; 154r, Foot-Washing; 155v, Good Friday; 158v, Holy Saturday; 162r, Easter Sunday; 164r, Memorial chants; 186r, Ascension Thursday

Ff. 192v-197r: Common of Saints

Ff. 197r-301v: Summer Temporale and Sanctorale: 197r, Leo IX; 197r, George; 199r, Mark; 200r, Philip and James; 201v, Finding of the Cross; 202v, Alexander and Eventius; 203r, John before the Latin Gate; 203v, Prudentiana and Pudens; 203, Urban I; 203v, Maximinus; 203v, Petronilla; 207r, Pentecost; 212v, Trinity Sunday; 217r, Marcellinus and Peter; 217r, Boniface; 217r, Primus and Felician; 217r, Barnabas; 217v, Basilides and Companions; 217v, Vitus, Modestus and Crescentia; 217v, Mark and Marcellian; 217v, Gervase and Protase; 217v, Albanus (Alban) of Mainz; 217v, Paulinus; 217v, John the Baptist; 220v, John and Paul; 222v, Leo the Great; 222v, Peter and Paul; 226v, Paul; 232r, Ulric (Udalricus); 233v, Processus and Martinian; 233v, Goar, Hermit; 235r, Willibald; 235r, Kilian and Companions; 235r, Seven Brothers; 235r, Moving of Benedict’s relics; 235r, Margaret (Marina); 235v, Alexis, the Man of God; 235v, Praxedes; 235v, Mary Magdalene; 235v, Apollinaris; 239v, Christina; 239v, James the Greater; 239v, Christopher; 241v, Pantaleon (Panteleimon); 241v, Felix; 241v, Simplicius and Companions; 241v, Abdon and Sennen; 241v, Tertullinus; 241v, Peter in Chains; 241v, Holy Maccabees; 243r, Stephen I; 243r, Finding of Stephen’s relics; 246r, Oswald, King of Northumbria; 246r, Sixtus and Companions; 246r, Felicissimus and Agapetus; 246r, Afra; 250r, Cyriacus and Companions; 250r, Romanus; 250r, Laurence; 254r, Tiburtius and Susanna; 254r, Hippolytus; 254v, Eusebius of Rome; 254v, Assumption of Mary; 258r, Agapitus; 259v, Symphorian (and Timothy); 260r, Bartholomew; 261v, Augustine; 261v, Hermes; 261v, Pelagius; 261v, Beheading of John the Baptist; 261v, Sabina; f. 263v, Verena; f. 263v, Magnus; 263v, Birthday of Mary; 264r, Adrian; 264r, Corbianus; 267r, Gorgonius; 267r, Felix and Regula; 267r, Holy Cross Day; 267v, Cornelius and Cyprian; 269v, Nicomedes; 269v, Euphemia; 269v, Lambert; 269v, Lambert; 269v, Matthew; 270v, Maurice and Companions; 271r, Emmeramus; 272r, Cosmas and Damian; 272r, Wenceslaus of Bohemia; 272v, Michael the Archangel; 276r, Jerome; 276r, Remigius (Remi); 276r, Germanus and Vedastus; 276r, Leodegarius (Leger); 276r, Mark; 276r, Sergius and Bacchus; 276r, Denis (Dionysius); 278v, Gereon and Companions; 278v, Callistus (Calixtus) I; 278v, Gall; 282r, Luke; 283v, Januarius, Faustus, and Martialis; 283v, Hilarion; 283v, Crispin and Crispinian; 283v, Simon, Jude (Thaddeus); 284v, Narcissus; 284v, Quintinus (Quentin); 284v, All Saints’ Day; 284v, Caesarius and Julian; 289r, Pirminus; 289r, The Four Crowned Ones; 289v, Theodore Tiro; 289v, Martin; 289v, Mennas; 292v, Brice; 293v, Othmar (Audemar); 295r, Cecilia (Cecily); 297v, Felicitatis; 297v, Columbanus (Columban); 297v, Clement I; 298r, Chrysogonus; 298r, Saturninus; 298r, Andrew

Ff. 301v-325r: Common of the Saints

Ff. 325-334v: Summer Histories


H.J. Hermann suggests that this brevarium may be from the male Benedictine abbey of St. Ulrich and St. Afra in Augsburg, due to the inclusion of the feasts for Scholastica (ff. 90r–91r); Benedict (ff. 98r–101r); Ulric, Bishop of Augsburg (ff. 232r–233v); and Afra (ff. 246r–250f). The abbey of St. Ulrich and St. Afra was formed in the early eleventh century and dissolved during the secularisation of Bavaria in 1802–1803. Robert Klugseder, however, identifies several flaws with this provenance of the manuscript, and places it instead at the male Benedictine abbey of Mondsee in Upper Austria.

Manuscript is written on parchment with a smooth brown leather cover over beech wood added around the fifteenth century. Folios are numbered in pencil in upper right-hand corner of recto side and lower left-hand corner of the verso side. Differentiae are written in the margins of the manuscript.

Selected Bibliography

  • Hermann, H.J. Die deutschen romanischen Handschriften (Beschreibendes Verzeichnis der illuminierten Handschriften in Österreich, Vol. 2: Die illuminierten Handschriften und Inkunabeln der Nationalbibliothek in Wien, Part 2: "Die deutschen romanischen Handschriften"). Leipzig: Verlag von Karl W. Hiersemann, 1926, 315–317. Available from .
  • Klugseder, Robert. "Quellen zur mittelalterlichen Musik- und Liturgiegeschichte des Klosters Mondsee." Codices manuscripti 91, Ergänzungen zu Supplement 7 (2013): 45–56.
  • Klugseder, Robert. Codices Manuscripti & Impressi: Zeitschrift für Buchgeschichte. From Katalog der Mittelalterlichen Musikhandschriften der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek Wien, Supplementum 10. Purkersdorf: Verlag Brüder Hollinek, 2014.

Notes on the Inventory
The inventory for A-Wn Cod. 1890 was prepared by Robert Klugseder (Universität Regensburg) with editorial assistance from Andrew Mitchell (University of Western Ontario). Full texts were added by Jacob deGroot-Maggetti (University of Waterloo). Manuscript description written by Rebecca Shaw (Dalhousie University).
Full Texts Entered by
Jacob deGroot-Maggetti
Full/Partial Inventory
Full Inventory
Complete Source/Fragment
Complete source