Browse Chants

Displaying 1-6 of 6 chants.
Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
324r 1 Monuit Mauritius miles

Gereonis et Soc. M A 2.1 203163 8
324r 2 Modicum differebant

Gereonis et Soc. M A 2.2 203152 4T
324r 3 Interrogante rege si

Gereonis et Soc. M A 2.3 202612 1
324r 4 Turmis inde euntibus

Gereonis et Soc. M R 2.1 602370 8
324r 5 Sanctorum sempiterna augetur

Gereonis et Soc. M V 01 602370a 8
324r 6 Beatae turbae alpes

Gereonis et Soc. M R 2.2 600198 4
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