Cambrai, Bibliothèque municipale, 75

Cantus Siglum
F-CA 75
Holding Institution
Cambrai, Bibliothèque municipale (F-CA)

David Hiley. “The Sequence Melodies sung at Cluny and elsewhere.” In De musica et cantu: Studien zur Geschichte der Kirchenmusik und der Oper. Edd. Peter Cahn und Ann-Katrin Heimer. 131-155. Hildesheim ..., 1993.

Complete Source/Fragment
Complete (or mostly complete)

Sequences in this source

Displaying 1 - 30 of 30
Siglum Text Incipit Rubrics AH Cantus ID Notes 1 Notes 2 Notes 3
F-CA 75
21v s01
fa12 e29 d38 Ostende nobis domine
F-CA 75
21v s02
fa21 d32 e30 Letatus sum
F-CA 75
21v s03
/// Excita
F-CA 75
21v s04
fc42 e05 Multifarie
F-CA 75
21v s05
fc41 e01 fc41 Xpi hod[ierna]
F-CA 75
21v s06
fc51 e02 d35 Beatus vir
F-CA 75
22r s07
fc61 e03 Iustus ut palma
F-CA 75
22r s08
fa41 e27 d30 Iubilemus
F-CA 75
22r s09
fc81 fp37 e06 d02 Illuxit
F-CA 75
22r s10
fc95 e18 [none—Post partum]
F-CA 75
22v s11
fc94 Maris stella
F-CA 75
22v s12
Pascha nostrum
F-CA 75
22v s13
fp21 fp21 e08 Fulgens
F-CA 75
23r s14
e43 Tympanum
F-CA 75
23r s15
fp51 fp51 e11 d28 Rex omnipotens
F-CA 75
23r s16
fs0908a e13 Mater [sequentiarum]
F-CA 75
23r s17
e12 fp71 dd04 Benedicta
F-CA 75
23v s18
e20 fp33 d04 Angelica
F-CA 75
23v s19
d21 fp73 Praetiosa
F-CA 75
23v s20
fs1101a e22 Ecce pulchra
F-CA 75
24r s21
fc62 Haec est sancta
F-CA 75
24r s22
fdm06 d21 Gaud[ete]
F-CA 75
24r s23
d17 Dicite in gentibus
F-CA 75
24r s24
fc71 e25 d42 Mirabilis
F-CA 75
24r s25
Deus iudex
F-CA 75
24v s26
fdm08 e41 d36 Stans a longe
F-CA 75
24v s27
F-CA 75
24v s28
e48 (Bucca) Musca
F-CA 75
24v s29
d25 !! cf. Hanc diem tribus Celsa
F-CA 75
24v s30