London, British Library, Cotton MS Caligula A.xiv | Cantus Database

London, British Library, Cotton MS Caligula A.xiv

GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv

Elizabeth Cover Teviotdale. “The Cotton Troper (London, British Library, Cotton MS Caligula A.xiv, ff. 1-36): A Study of an Illustrated English Troper of the Eleventh Century.” Ph. D. diss. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1991.

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Siglum Text Incipit Rubrics AH Cantus ID Notes 1 Notes 2 Notes 3
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
43r 01
Salus aeterna indeficiens [none] 53:1 ah53001 fa12
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
43v 02
Regnantem sempiterna [none] 53:2 ah53002 fa21
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
43v 03
Qui regis sceptra [none] 53:3 ah53003 fa31
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
44r 04
Iubilemus omnes una [none] 53:4 ah53004 fa41
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
44r 05
Nato canunt omnia [none] 53:24 ah53024 fc42
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
44v 06
Caeleste organum [none] 54:1 ah54001 int25
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
45v 07
[Caelica resonant] Clare camenas agmina [none] 53:19 ah53019 fc41
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
46r 08
Magnus deus in universa [none] 53:220 ah53220 fc72
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
46v 09
Oramus te eterna spes [none] 10:279 ah10279
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
47r 10
Rex magne deus qui intueris [none] 7:136 ah07136 fc72
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
48r 11
Celsa pueri concrepent [none] 53:162 ah53162 fp51
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
49r 12
Eia recolamus laudibus piis [none] 53:16 ah53016 d43
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
49v 13
[Epiphaniam domino] Canamus gloriosam [none] 53:28 ah53028 fc81
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
50v 14
Letabundus exsultet fidelis [none] int07
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
51r 15
Gaudete vos fideles [none] 54:3 ah54003
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
51v 16
Dixit dominus ex Basan [none] 50:269 ah50269 dd50269
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
52r 17
Concentu parili [none] 53:99 508003 d10
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
53r 18
Fulgens praeclara [none] 53:35 ah53035 fp21
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
54v 19
Prome casta [none] 53:49 ah53049 fp34
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
55r 20
Concinat orbis cunctus [none] e10
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
55v 21
Psalle lirica carmina [none] fp68
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
56r 22
Laudes salvatori [none] 53:36 ah53036 d12
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
57v 23
Victime paschali laudes [none] 54:7 ah54007 int24
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
58r 24
Ad haec colenda gaudia [none] 8:123 ah08123
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
59r 25
Clare sanctorum senatus [none] 53:228 ah53228 d38
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
59v 26
Salve crux vitale [none] 10:24 ah10024
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
60r 27
Hodierna Resonent gaudia [none] 53:142 ah53142 e22
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
61r 28
Rex omnipotens [none] 53:66 ah53066 fp51
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
62r 29
Sancti spiritus assit nobis [none] 53:70 ah53070 d28
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
62v 30
Resonet sacrata iam turma [none] 53:74 ah53074 fs0629b
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
63v 31
Eia musa Dic queso preclara chorea [none] 53:75 ah53075 fp72
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
64v 32
Almifona iam gaudia [none] 53:76 ah53076 fp68
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
65r 33
Veni spiritus aeternorum [none] 53:71 ah53071 dd03
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
65v 34
Laudes deo devotas Dulci voce [none] 54:14 ah54014 xxx
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
66r 35
Alma chorus domini nunc [none] 53:87 ah53087 fdm24
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
66r 36
Benedicta sit beata trinitas [none] 7:96 ah07096 fp71
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
67r 37
Exsulta caelum laetare [none] 9:243 ah09243 fs0929a
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
68r 38
Laude iucunda melos turma [none] 53:211 ah53211 fs0629a
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
69r 39
Laudum carmina creatori [none] 53:131 ah53131 fs0321a
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
69v 40
Mane prima sabbati [none] 54:143 ah54143 int10
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
70r 41
Laus tibi Christe qui es creator [none] 50:268 ah50268 dd30
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
71r 42
Organicis canamus modulis [none] 53:242 ah53242 fc61
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
71v 43
Ad matris Annae annua [none] 34:193 ah34193
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
72v 44
Nunc luce alma splendescit [none] 37:276 ah37276
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
73v 45
Stola iucundditatis [none] 54:61 ah54061 int20
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
74r 46
Area virga primae [none] 7:107 ah07107 fs0815a
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
75r 47
Verbi dei parens alma [none] 10:143 ah10143
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
76v 48
Ave praeclara maris stella [none] 50:241 ah50241 dd17
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
77v 49
Alle cantabile sonet chorus [none] 53:129 ah53129
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
78r 50
Iubilemus omnes una concordi [none] 10:283 ah10283
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
79r 51
Alle celeste necnon et perhenne luia [none] 53:97 ah53097 fs0908a
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
80r 52
Potestate non natura [none] 54:96 ah54096
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
81r 53
Post partum virgo Maria [none] 53:109 ah53109 fc95
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
81v 54
Ave Maria gratia plena [none] 54:216 ah54216 int01
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
82r 55
Recolamus venerandam Marie [none] 8:72 ah08072
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
83v 56
Ad celebres rex caelice [none] 53:190 ah53190 fs0929a
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
84v 57
Laudes regi Christo iucundas [none] 10:371 ah10371
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
85r 58
Superne matris gaudia [none] 55:37 ah55037 int21
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
85v 59
Ecce pulchra canorum resonat (sic) voce alleluia [none] 53:114 ah53114 fp46
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
86r 60
Laus honor sit Eloy cuncti potenti [none] 37:333 ah37333
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
87r 61
Omnis fidelium aecclesia [none] Add.040 ah000
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
88r 62
Sacrosancta hodierne [none] 54:30 ah54030 int17
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
89r 63
Xpo regi cantica vocum [none] 8:255 ah08255
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
90r 64
Ecce dies triumphalis [none] 55:337 ah55337
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
91v 65
Alleluia. Virgines gaudeant virgines tripudient [none] 40:400 ah40400
GB-Lbl Cot.Cal A.xiv
92r 66
Exsultemus in hac [incomplete] [none] 8:290 ah08290