Karlsruhe, Badische Landesbibliothek - Musiksammlung, St. Peter 16

Cantus Siglum
D-KA St. Peter 16
Holding Institution
Karlsruhe, Badische Landesbibliothek - Musiksammlung (D-KA)

This (and St. Peter 15) are remarkable collections of sequences with alleluias interspersed. St. Peter 16 is the older of the two. Both collections are remarkably similar. The folio numbering is confused. Old ink numbers at top of page, but good pencil numbering in lower right hand corner of each recto. I did not discover the pencil numbering in Erlangen, and only was able to get through f. 189r in Karlsruhe.

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Complete (or mostly complete)

Sequences in this source

Displaying 1 - 87 of 87
Siglum Text Incipit Rubrics AH Cantus ID Notes 1 Notes 2 Notes 3
D-KA St. Peter 16
147r 01
Grates nunc omnes 53:10 ah53010 dd05
D-KA St. Peter 16
147r 02
Eya recolamus 53:16 ah53016 d43
D-KA St. Peter 16
148r 03
Natus ante secula 53:15 ah53015 d01 n
D-KA St. Peter 16
149r 04a
Alleluia, Ecce inquit Stephanus video celos ...
D-KA St. Peter 16
149r 04b
Hanc concordi famulatu Stephani proto martiris 53:215 ah53215 d02 n
D-KA St. Peter 16
149v 05a
Alleluia O vos filii ecclesie de sancto Iohanne
D-KA St. Peter 16
150r 05b
Verbum dei deo natum 55:188 ah55188
D-KA St. Peter 16
151v 06
Iohannes Ihcu Xpricto 53:168 ah53168 d04 n
D-KA St. Peter 16
152r 07
Laus tibi Criste patris optime nate deus De innocentibus 53:157 ah53157 d42 [Mirabilis]
D-KA St. Peter 16
152v 08
Festa Xpicti In epyphania domini 53:29 ah53029 d07 n
D-KA St. Peter 16
153v 09a
Alleluia O sancta virgo agnes De s. agnes
D-KA St. Peter 16
154r 09b
Laus sit regi glorie 55:51 ah55051
D-KA St. Peter 16
155r 10
Dixit dominus ex basan Conversio s. Pauli 50:269 ah50269 dd50269
D-KA St. Peter 16
155v 11
Concentu parili de purificatione s. marie 53:99 ah53099 d10 n
D-KA St. Peter 16
157r 12
Laudes salvatori In die pasche 53:36 ah53036 d12 n
D-KA St. Peter 16
158v 13
Victime paschali Item 54:7 ah54007 Int24 [Victimae paschali]
D-KA St. Peter 16
159r 14
Quadriforme crucis signum de sancta cruce 54:125 ah54125 Int15
D-KA St. Peter 16
159v 15
Summi triumphum [none] 53:67 ah53067 d25 n
D-KA St. Peter 16
160v 16
Sancti spiritus assit nobis gratia [none] 53:70 ah53070 d28
D-KA St. Peter 16
162r 17
Veni sancte spiritus Item 54:153 ah54153 Int22 [Veni sancte spiritus]
D-KA St. Peter 16
162v 18
Benedicta semper sancta sit trinitas De sancta trinitate 53:81 ah53081 dd04
D-KA St. Peter 16
163v 19a
Alleluia. Non est sanctus ut tu domine
D-KA St. Peter 16
163v 19b
Laus deo patri filioque [none, but trinity] 54:15 ah54015
D-KA St. Peter 16
163v 20
Lauda syon salvatorem [none] 50:385 ah50385 Int08a
D-KA St. Peter 16
165v 21
Sancti baptiste Johannis baptiste 53:163 ah53163 d05 n
D-KA St. Peter 16
166r 22
Petre summe Xpicti pastor Petri apostoli 53:210 ah53210 d02 n
D-KA St. Peter 16
167r 23a
Alleluia Non vos me elegistis
D-KA St. Peter 16
167r 23b
Celi enarant gloriam dei [? difficult to read] 50:267 ah50267 dd29
D-KA St. Peter 16
169r 24a
Alleluia. Conversus Ihesus ad mariam
D-KA St. Peter 16
169r 24b
Laus tibi xpicte qui est creator 50:268 ah50268 dd30
D-KA St. Peter 16
170v 25a
Alleluia Adletha iacobe o preclarum De s. Iacobo
D-KA St. Peter 16
170v 25b
Sit laus tibi Ihsu Xpicte dum frater iohannis Sequentia 55:174 ah55174
D-KA St. Peter 16
171r 26a
Alleluia Pie pater Domince Dominico
D-KA St. Peter 16
171v 26b
In celesti ierarchia nova 55:115 ah55115 Int06
D-KA St. Peter 16
172v 27a
Alleluia. Obtine nobis sancta martir De sancta afra
D-KA St. Peter 16
172v 27b
Gloriam deo patri canamus 54:27 ah54027 dd30 [Psallite]
D-KA St. Peter 16
174r 28
Laurenti David De sanctoo Laurentio 53:173 ah53173 d04 n
D-KA St. Peter 16
174v 29
Congaudent angelorum chori In assumptione beate virginis 53:104 ah53104 d13 n
D-KA St. Peter 16
175v 30a
Alleluia. Vox sancti bartholomei De sancto Bartholomeo
D-KA St. Peter 16
175v 30b
Diem festum Bartholomei 53:128 ah53128 d35
D-KA St. Peter 16
176v 31a
Alleluia. Ecce sacerdos magnus De s. augustino
D-KA St. Peter 16
177r 31b
Mente pia iubilemus 55:77 ah55077
D-KA St. Peter 16
178r 32a
Alleluia. Vox clamantis in deserto Decolacio s. Iohannis baptiste
D-KA St. Peter 16
178r 32b
Psallite regi nostro 50:270 ah50270 dd30
D-KA St. Peter 16
179v 33
Sicut passer solitarius Egidii 54:25 ah54025 [Laudate deum]
D-KA St. Peter 16
180v 34a
Alleluia Adducentur regi In nativitate s. Marie
D-KA St. Peter 16
180v 34b
Stirpe Maria regia 53:95 ah53095 d30
D-KA St. Peter 16
181r 35
Laudes crucis attollamus In exaltatione s. crucis 54:120 ah54120 Int08b
D-KA St. Peter 16
182v 36
Psallat ecclesia mater illibata In dedicatione templi 53:247 ah53247 d32 n
D-KA St. Peter 16
183v 37a
Alleluia. Dorsa eorum plena sunt De sancto matheo
D-KA St. Peter 16
183v 37b
Iocundare plebs fidelis 55:7 ah55007
D-KA St. Peter 16
184v 38
Magnum te Michahelem Michahelis 53:191 ah53191 d16
D-KA St. Peter 16
185r 39a
Alleluia Hic Franciscus pauper Francisci
D-KA St. Peter 16
185v 39b
Letabundus Francisco Sequencia 55:131 ah55131 Int07
D-KA St. Peter 16
186r 40a
Alleluia. Hodie celesti sponso XI milium virginum
D-KA St. Peter 16
186r 40b
Virginalis turma sexus Ihcu Xpicti 55:333 ah55333
D-KA St. Peter 16
187v 41a
Alleluia. Hec est quem dominus voluit De s. severo
D-KA St. Peter 16
188r 41b
Summe bone et suavis De s. Severori 55:302 ah55302
D-KA St. Peter 16
189r 42
Omnes sancti seraphim De omnibus sanctis 53:112 ah53112 d34 n
D-KA St. Peter 16
189v 43a
Alleluia. Martinus episcopus Martini episcopi
D-KA St. Peter 16
189v 43b
Sacerdotem Xpicti Martinum 53:181 ah53181 d35
D-KA St. Peter 16
190v 44a
Alleluia. O sancta elyzageth De s. Elyzabeth
D-KA St. Peter 16
191r 44b
Gaude syon quod egressus 55:120 ah55120 Int04
D-KA St. Peter 16
None 45a
Alleluia. Beata virgo Katherina De s. Katherina
D-KA St. Peter 16
192r 45b
Ave preclara Katherina nam tua tenera est vita De sancta katherina 54:57 dd24 [Ave praeclara]
D-KA St. Peter 16
193v 46
Sanctissime virginis votiva festa De sancta katherina 55:203 ah55203 int07
D-KA St. Peter 16
194v 47a
Alleluia. Dilexit andream Andree apostoli
D-KA St. Peter 16
None 47b
Sacrosancta hodierne festivitatis Andree apostoli 54:30 ah54030 Int17 [Dulce melos]
D-KA St. Peter 16
195v 48a
Alleluia. Summe dei presul nicolae De s. Nycolao
D-KA St. Peter 16
195v 48b
Laude Xpicto debita celebremus inclita nicolai merita 55:265 ah55265
D-KA St. Peter 16
197v 49
Letabundus exultat fidelis chorus ... regem regum De beata virgine 54:2 ah54002 Int07
D-KA St. Peter 16
198r 50
Virgini marie laudes intonent xpiani In pascha 54:18 ah54018 Int24
D-KA St. Peter 16
198v 51
Salve proles Davidis Item de beata virgine 54:224 ah54224
D-KA St. Peter 16
199v 52
Ave preclara maris stella [none] 50:241 ah50241 dd24 Ave praeclara]
D-KA St. Peter 16
201r 53
Ave maria gracia plena dominus tecum virgo serena [none] 54:216 ah54216 Int01
D-KA St. Peter 16
202r 54
Verbum bonum et suave [none] 54:218 ah54218 Int23 [Verbum bonum]
D-KA St. Peter 16
202v 55
Gaude mater luminis quam divini numinis Item de beata virgine 54:225 ah54225
D-KA St. Peter 16
203r 56
Clare sanctorum senatus [none] 53:228 ah53228 d38
D-KA St. Peter 16
203v 57
Agone triumphali De martiribus 53:229 ah53229 d34 n
D-KA St. Peter 16
204v 58
O beata beatorum Item 55:14 ah55014 Int14
D-KA St. Peter 16
205r 59
Spe mercedis et corone stetit martyr in agone [none] 55:9 ah55009 Int05
D-KA St. Peter 16
206r 60
Dilectus deo et hominibus De confessoribus 54:90 ah54090
D-KA St. Peter 16
206v 61
Exultent filie Syon in rege suo De virginibus 50:271 ah50271 d10
D-KA St. Peter 16
207v 62
Inviolata intacta et casta es Maria [none] Add.059
D-KA St. Peter 16
Ir 64+
Ave verbi dei parens virginum humili[tas] 48:392 ah48392 int14
D-KA St. Peter 16
6v 65+
[A]ngustini magni patris atque sue pie matris 9:308 ah09308 Int09
D-KA St. Peter 16
6v 66+
Ave verbi dei patris virginum humilitas 48:392 ah48392 int14