Browse Chants

Displaying 1-8 of 8 chants
Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
270v 1 Dilaniatus ictibus ligno

Andreae X H 03 008372b Image
270v 2 Clamor plebis attollitur

Andreae X H 04 008372c Image
270v 3 Fallax ad patibulum quasi ad

Andreae X H 05 008372d Image
270v 4 Loris resolvat impius divinis

Andreae X H 06 008372e Image
270v 5 Eant tecum quae tua sunt

Andreae X H 07 008372f Image
270v 6 Imploret ergo meritis suis

Andreae X H 08 008372g Image
270v 7 Gloria*

Andreae X H 09 008372h Image
270v 8 Christe cunctorum dominator


In Dedicatione Eccl. X H 01 008275 Image
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