Köln, Erzbischöfliche Diözesan- und Dombibliothek, 1161

Cantus Siglum
D-KNd 1161
Holding Institution
Köln, Erzbischöfliche Diözesan- und Dombibliothek (D-KNd)
Winter volume of a twelfth-century Cistercian antiphoner. 129 folios. 325 x 230 mm. Gothic neumes on a four-line staff with a red F-line and a yellow C-line. F and C clefs. Monastic cursus.
Liturgical Occasions

Ff. 0c - 0q, Later additions to the manuscript: f. 0c, Advent; f. 0f, All Saints' Day

Ff. 1r- 77r, Temporale: f. 1r, Advent; f. 17r, Christmas; f. 25r, Epiphany; f. 31v, Ferial Offices; f. 42r, Septuagesima; f. 44v, Sexagesima; f. 44v, Quinquagesima; f. 47r, Ash Wednesday; f. 47v, Lent; f. 63v, Passion Sunday; f. 66v, Palm Sunday; f. 70v, Holy Week; f. 74v, Good Friday; f. 76v, Holy Saturday;

Ff. 77v- 103r, Sanctorale: f. 77v, Stephen; f. 80v, John the Baptist; f. 83r, Holy Innocents; f. 86r, Agnes; f. 89r, Conversion of Paul; f. 89r, Purification of Mary; f. 92v, Agatha; f. 94r, Peter's Chair; f. 96r, Benedict; f. 100r, Annunciation of Mary

Ff. 103r, Common of Saints.

f. 126v, Additamenta


This antiphoner was possibly written for use by the female abbey of Saint Mechtern in Cologne, renamed Saint Apern in 1477.

An inscription was added to the cover page of the manuscript when it was acquired by the archiepiscopal seminary in Köln. It reads as follows: "Antiphonarium Romanum Coloniense Ordinis Cisterciensis pars hiemalis / e saeculo 12 vel initio saeculi 13 / e monasterio SS Bartholomaaeeii et Apri, moniatium ordinis Cistertiensis Coloniae olim florente. / pertinent ad bibliothecam Seminarii Archiepiscopalis Coloniensis."

Manuscript is written on parchment. Parchment from other manuscripts was reused for endpapers in the binding. The manuscript includes red, gold, blue, and green illuminated letters on ff. 1r, 18r. Folios are numbered in Roman numerals in the outer margin of each folio recto.

Differentiae are indicated by their last note and an arbitrarily-assigned number within each mode.

Notes on the Inventory
The inventory for D-KNd 1161 was prepared by Evan Campbell (McMaster University) with editorial assistance from Andrew Mitchell (McMaster University) and Debra Lacoste (University of Waterloo). Manuscript description written by Rebecca Shaw (Dalhousie University). Full texts were proofread by Alessandra Ignesti (McGill University) and Marina Gallagher (University of Waterloo). The melodies were proofread by Joel Oliver-Cormier (Dalhousie University).
Other Editors
Marina Gallagher
Alessandra Ignesti
Full Texts Entered by
Marta Borowska
Evan Campbell
Melodies Entered by
Evan Campbell
Full/Partial Inventory
Full Inventory
Complete Source/Fragment
Complete source