Browse Chants

Displaying 1-6 of 6 chants
Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
008v 1 Dicite in nationibus alleluia R

Dicite in nationibus alleluia R. Quia dominus regnavit a ligno alleuia

Dom. Resurrectionis V2 W 008013 *
008v 2 Alleluia*


Dom. Resurrectionis C A 001329 *
008v 3 Haec dies*

Haec dies*

Dom. Resurrectionis C Gr 008414 *
008v 4 Alleluia resurrexit dominus alleluia sicut

Alleluia resurrexit dominus alleluia sicut dixit vobis alleluia alleluia

Dom. Resurrectionis C A N 001352 5
008v 5 Surrexit dominus vere alleluia

Surrexit dominus vere alleluia

Fer. 2 p. Pascha M I 001166 5
008v 6 Surrexit Christus et illuxit populo

Surrexit Christus et illuxit populo suo quem redemit sanguine suo alleluia

Fer. 2 p. Pascha M A 005077 6
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