Montréal, McGill University - Rare Books and Special Collections - Manuscript Collection, MS Medieval 0169 (fragment) | Cantus Database

Montréal, McGill University - Rare Books and Special Collections - Manuscript Collection, MS Medieval 0169 (fragment)

CDN-Mlr MS Medieval 0169 (fragment)
Missal, one leaf, Italian, 15th century. No musical notation.
Liturgical Occasions

Eve of Ascension, Ascension Thursday.


"Vellum. In Latin. One leaf, 15th century, northern Italian. In Gothic Textualis. 373x270 mm.; writing surface 275x200 mm. Two columns, 36 lines, brown ink. Writing surface ruled in light brown ink. Red rubrics. Roman numeral CX (?) on recto.

Contents: From Vigilia and die Ascensionis. r. Vigilia. c. I. descendit ipse est et qui ascendit (Ephesians)....In illo tempore, sublevatis Jesus oculis in caelum (John)....esset apud te. Manife- c. II stavi nomen tuum....illud tendat christiane devotionis
v. c. I. affectus quo tecum.... In die Ascensionis (red rubric). Viri Galilaei quid admiramini (Introitus)... Concede quaesumus omnipotens (Oratio)...
Primum quidem sermonem feci (Acts)....assumptus est. Qui- c. II. bus et prebuit se ipsum....Galilei quid statis aspi-(cientes)

Decoration: r. Very thin and long, sixteen-line initial (I), on left margin of c. I, in blue. v. On c. I ten-line initial (U), enclosed in square ground. Initial is in grey, decorated with grey and white arabesques and geometric patterns. It rests on gold leaf ground, bound by 010 mm. wide borders in red and green sections. Letters of -IRI GALILAEI, in red and blue run vertically along the right side of the initial. Between the stems of the initial appear the feet of an ascending figure (Christ ?), wearing a red mantle. The four-quarter border decoration on verso, contains branchwork and acanthus leaf work, in green, crimson, grey, gold and blue. A few irises and calices in blue stem from the branches. There are bezants throughout."

(Holland, Anne Marie, compiler. "MS Medieval 169. Missal". Long Descriptions Ms Medieval Manuscript Antiphonals, Missals and Graduals. Digitization and Cataloguing Project- Antiphonals, Missals and Gradual. Updated December 6, 2018), 19-20.

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Martha Culshaw
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