Waterloo, University of Waterloo – DRAGEN Lab-St Jerome’s University, MS Medieval 02

Cantus Siglum
CDN-WAdl MS Medieval 02
Holding Institution
Waterloo, University of Waterloo – DRAGEN Lab-St Jerome’s University (CDN-WAdl)
Heavily-damaged fragmented strip from an antiphoner. Gothic script in brown-black ink copied in two columns with square notation on 4-line red staves in the intervening spaces. F- and C-clefs. Initials are lightly decorated with red tracing. No custos. This fragment is from the same leaf as CDN-WAdl MS Medieval 01 (fragment).

This leaf was purchased on May 10, 2019 by the DRAGEN lab at St. Jerome's University College, affiliated with the University of Waterloo. The dealer, Mackus Company, suggested a date c. 1300, and a provenance in Italy.

3 staves are visible on each side of this fragment.

The dealer assigned the siglum "M6366" that appears in pencil upside-down on the top right-hand corner of what appears to be the verso side.

Notes on the Inventory
The inventory for CDN-WAdl MS Medieval 02 (fragment) was completed as part of an undergraduate research project supported by the DRAGEN lab at St. Jerome's University College, affiliated with the University of Waterloo. The texts were entered by Ellen Siebel-Achenbach and the melodies were transcribed by Mykayla Turner. Editorial assistance and indexing guidance were provided by Kate Steiner, and the records were proofread by Debra Lacoste. The manuscript description was written by Kate Steiner and Debra Lacoste.
Full Texts Entered by
Ellen Siebel-Achenbach
Melodies Entered by
Mykayla Turner
Full/Partial Inventory
Full Inventory
Complete Source/Fragment