Averte domine faciem tuam a
- Folio
- 245r
- Sequence
- 2
- Full text as in Source (standardized spelling)
- Averte domine faciem tuam a peccatis meis iniquitates meas non ira tua vindice decernas sed qua soles miseris subvenire pietate tua mihi precor indulge clemens domine
- Full text as in Source (source spelling)
- Averte domine faciem tuam a peccatis meis iniquitates meas non ira tua vindice decernas sed qua soles miseris subvenire pietate tua michi precor indulge clemens domine
- Indexing Notes
- Find the responsory Libera me and one unnotated verse on fols. 242r and 242v. Other verses for this responsory start here and follow to the end of fol. 247r. As of October 2024, the image set for A-KN CCl 1011 at manuscripta.at includes the following verso as "246v" but it is clearly the previous verso (i.e., "245v"); a portion of it can been seen to the left of the gutter in the image of 246r which is numbered at the top right-hand corner.
- Image link
- http://www.ksbm.oeaw.ac.at/images/AT/5000/AT5000-1011/AT5000-1011_245r.jpg
List of concordances
For concordances, please consult the Cantus Index entry for Cantus ID 007091zas.