Ad peccandum proni sumus et
- Full text as in Source (standardized spelling)
Ad peccandum proni sumus et ad humum tendit humus quid est homo nisi vernis res infirma res inermis quid est homo proles Adae germen nequam dignum clade noli deus hunc damnare qui non potest non peccare noli deus huic irasci qui non potest mundus nasci sicut umbra sicut fumus sicut faenum facti sumus
- Full text as in Source (source spelling)
Ad peccandum proni sumus et ad humum tendit humus quid est homo nisi vernis res infirma res inermis quid est homo proles Ade germen nequam dignum clade noli deus hunc dampnare qui non potest non peccare noli deus huic irasci qui non potest mundus nasci sicut umbra sicut fumus sicut fenum facti sumus
- Indexing Notes
As of October 2024, the image set for A-KN CCl 1011 at includes this verso as "246v" but it is clearly the previous verso (i.e., "245v"); a portion of it can been seen to the left of the gutter in the image of 246r which is numbered at the top right-hand corner.
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