Inclytus martyr Tiburtius cum nudatis
- Folio
- 398v
- Sequence
- 2
- Differentia
- G3
- Differentiae Database
66r - Full text as in Source (standardized spelling)
- Inclytus martyr Tiburtius cum nudatis plantis super prunas ardentes incederet Fabiano praefecto dixit videtur mihi quod super roseos flores incedam in nomine domini mei Jesu Christi
- Full text as in Source (source spelling)
- Inclytus martyr tiburtius cum nudatis plantis super prunas ardentes incederet fabiano prefecto dixit videtur mihi quod super roseos flores incedam in nomine domini mei iesu xpisti
- Indexing Notes
- In AV273, fol. 337r the inclusion of the differentia here (for V2AR) becomes clearer: the antiphon is sung as a memorial after second vespers of Lawrence and also as proper benedictus ant. for Tiburt. on 11 August
- Image link