Stabat mater dolorosa juxta crucem
- Folio
- 489v
- Sequence
- 1
- Differentia
- G3
- Differentiae Database
66r - Full text as in Source (standardized spelling)
- Stabat mater dolorosa juxta crucem lacrimosa dum penderet filius alleluia
- Full text as in Source (source spelling)
- Stabat mater dolorosa iuxta crucem lachrymosa dum penderet filius alleluia | Laudate pueri
- Indexing Notes
- An entry in the 1537 printed Psalter calendar in April reads: Nota feria sexta ante vel post dominicam Jubilate festum commendationis marie virginis. Grotefend: "In Cöln und unterstehenden Diöcesen seit 1423 auf Freitag nach Jubilate gelegt"
- Image link
List of concordances
For concordances, please consult the Cantus Index entry for Cantus ID 204755.