Ego sum protector tuus qui
- Folio
- 264r
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List of concordances
For concordances, please consult the Cantus Index entry for Cantus ID 006461zb.
For concordances, please consult the Cantus Index entry for Cantus ID 006461zb.
1 | H V 01 | Et nunc clamemus in caelum | 006478a |
2 | H R 11 | Congregati sunt inimici | 006326 |
3 | H V 01 | Disperge illos in virtute tua | 006326a |
4 | H R 12 | Aperi caelos tuos domine et | 006109 |
1 | H V 01 | Congregatae sunt gentes in | 006109b |
2 | H R 13 | Dirumpam vincula populi mei | 006461 |
3 | H V 01 | Ego sum protector tuus qui | 006461zb |
4 | H R 14 | Tu domine universorum qui | 007786 |
5 | H V 01 | Tu domine cui humilium semper | 007786zb |
1 | V R | Aspice domine* | 006126 |
2 | V R | Aspice domine* | 006127 |
3 | V H | Deus creator omnium* | 008292 |
4 | V W | Vespertina oratio* | 008240 |
5 | V H | Jesu redemptor saeculi* | 830177 |
6 | H A 1 | Vidi dominum sedentem super | 005404 |
7 | H A 2 | Super muros tuos Jerusalem | 005059 |
8 | H A 3 | Qui caelorum contines thronos | 004460 |
9 | H A 4 | Sustinuimus pacem et non | 005093 |
10 | M I | Laudabilem virum adoremus in | 100172 |