List of Feasts | Cantus Database

List of Feasts

Displaying 501-600 of 1101
Feast Name Description Date Feast Code
Joannis Baptistae John the Baptist Jun.24 14062400
Joannis Baptistae,8 In week after John the Baptist 14062408
Joannis Capistranensis John of Capistrano, Confessor, Missionary Oct.23 14102340
Joannis Cassiani John Cassian, Abbot Jul.23 14072310
Joannis Chrysostomi John Chrysostom, Doctor Jan.27 14012700
Joannis de Husinec Jan Hus (d. 1415, Council of Constance), venerated as a saint in 15th- and 16th-century Bohemia Jul.6 14070640
Joannis Francisci Regis Jean-François Régis (also "John Francis Regis" and "St Regis"), priest of the Society of Jesus, canonized in 1737 Jun.16 14061610
Joannis Port. Lat. John before the Latin Gate May.6 14050600
Joannis, Pauli John and Paul, Martyrs Jun.26 14062600
Josephi Joseph, spouse of Mary Mar.19 14031900
Josephi Prophetae Joseph, son of Jacob and Rachel Mar.8 14030800
Judae Quiriaci Judas Quiriacus (Cyriacus), Bishop May.4 14050420
Judoci Judoc, Prince and Hermit Dec.13 14121330
Julianae Juliana, Virgin Martyr Feb.16 14021600
Juliani Julian of Brioude, Martyr Aug.28 14082810
Juliani, Epi. Julian, Bishop of Le Mans Jan.27 14012710
Juliani, Hermetis Julian of Brioude and Hermes, Martyrs Aug.28 14082860
Justae et Rufinae Justa and Rufina, Virgin Martyrs, patronesses of Seville Jul.17 14071730
Justi Justus of Beauvais, Martyr Oct.18 14101810
Justi, Epi. Justus, Bishop of Lyons Sep.1 14090150
Justi, Pastoris Justus and Pastor, Martyrs at Alcalá de Henares (Complutum) Aug.6 14080630
Justinae, Cypriani Justina and Cyprian, Martyrs Sep.26 14092600
Justinae, Cypriani,8 In week after Justina and Cyprian 14092608
Justini Justin, child martyred near Paris Aug.8 14080810
Juvenalis Juvenal, Bishop of Narni May.3 14050320
Karoli Magni Charlemagne, Emperor and Confessor Jan.28 14012810
Kenelmi Kenelm, Prince of Mercian Royal Family Jul.17 14071710
Kiliani et Soc. Kilian and Companions, Martyrs Jul.8 14070810
Kunegundis Cunegund (Kunegunde), Queen Mar.3 14030300
Ladislai Ladislaus, King of Hungary Jun.27 14062700
Lamberti Lambert, Bishop of Maestricht Sep.17 14091700
Lamberti,8 In week after Lambert 14091708
Landelini Landelinus, Abbot Jun.15 14061520
Landerici Landericus (Landry), Bishop of Paris Jun.10 14061000
Launomari Launomarus, Abbot of Corbie Jan.19 14011930
Laurentii Laurence, Martyr Aug.10 14081000
Laurentii,8 In week after Laurence 14081008
Lauteni Lautein (Lothenus, Lautenus), Abbot, founder of Silèze and Maximiac abbeys in the Jura mountains Nov.2 14110200
Lazari Lazarus of Bethany, "Bp." Marseilles Dec.17 14121700
Lebuini Lebwin (Lebuin, Liafwin, Leafwine), Confessor Nov.12 14111200
Leocadiae Leocadia of Toledo, Virgin Martyr Dec.9 14120920
Leodegarii Leodegarius (Leger), Bishop Martyr Oct.2 14100200
Leonardi Leonard, Hermit Nov.6 14110610
Leonardi a Portu Mauritio Leonardo of Porto Maurizio (Leonard of Port Maurice), confessor, missionary and ascetic writer (canonized 1867) Nov.26 14112630
Leonis Leo the Great, Pope Jun.28 14062800
Leonis, Pont. Leo IX, Pope Apr.19 14041900
Leonis, Pont., Quad. Leo IX, Pope, when the feast occurs during Lent Apr.19 14041910
Leopardi Leopardus, Martyr Sep.30 14093010
Leopoldi Leopold, Margrave of Austria (Leopoldi Marchionis) Nov.15 14111520
Leopoldi, transl. Moving of Leopold, Margrave of Austria's relics (Leopoldi Marchionis) Feb.15 14021520
Leutfredi Leufred (Leufroy), Abbot Jun.21 14062110
Liborii Liborius, Confessor and Bishop of Lemans Jul.23 14072300
Licinii Licinius, Confessor, Bishop of Angers Nov.1 14110150
Lini Linus, Bishop of Rome Nov.26 14112600
LOCAL:Adriani Adrian, Martyr, as witnessed at Augsburg Sep.8 14090830
LOCAL:Afrae Afra, Martyr, as witnessed at Augsburg and Muenster Aug.7 14080710
LOCAL:Annae Anne, as witnessed in Muenster (after 1510) Aug.16 14081650
LOCAL:Annae,Zutfania Anne, as witnessed at Zutphen Jul.19 14071900
LOCAL:Hieronimi Jerome, as witnessed in Muenster Sep.28 14092810
LOCAL:Sept.Dorm.Eph. Seven Sleepers of Ephesus, as witnessed at Muenster Jun.27 14062710
LOCAL:Sulpit.,Sever. Sulpitius (Sulpitianus, Simplicius) and Servilianus, Martyrs, as witnessed at Augsburg Oct.3 14100310
LOCAL:Tr.Trium Regum Moving of relics of the Three Kings (the Magi) to Cologne in the 12th Century, as witnessed in Muenster Jul.26 14072620
LOCAL:Transl. Serva. Moving of Servatius's relics Jun.7 14060710
Lucae Luke, Evangelist Oct.18 14101800
Lucae,8 In week after Luke 14101808
Lucani Lucanus of Gascony, Martyr Oct.30 14103000
Luciae Lucy (Lucia), Virgin Martyr Dec.13 14121300
Luciae, Germiniani Lucy and Germinianus, Martyrs Sep.16 14091620
Luciae,8 In week after Lucy 14121308
Luciani et Soc. Lucianus and Companions, Martyrs Oct.16 14101620
Ludgeri Ludger (Liudger), First Bishop of Muenster Mar.26 14032600
Ludmillae Ludmilla, Matron and Martyr Sep.16 14091630
Ludovici Louis IX, King of France Aug.25 14082500
Ludovici Toul. Louis, Bishop of Toulouse Aug.19 14081900
Lupi Lupus (Leu), Bishop of Sens Sep.1 14090110
Lupi Bajocensis Lupus, Bishop of Bayeux Oct.25 14102520
Lutgardae Lutgard, Virgin, Mystic, Cistercian Order Jun.16 14061620
Macarii Macarius the Elder, Hermit Jan.15 14011530
Machabaeorum Holy Maccabees, Martyrs Aug.1 14080120
Maclovii Maclovius (Malo, Maclou, Machut, Maclow, Maloù, Mac'h Low, Maglovius, Machutus), Bishop of Aleth Nov.15 14111510
Madelgari Vincent (ne Madelgar), Abbot Jul.14 14071400
Mafaldae Reginae Portuguese princess and queen; nun (Cistercian order) in the Convent of Arouca May.2 14050230
Maglorii Magloire (Maelor), Bishop of Dol Oct.24 14102400
Magni Magnus, "Apostle" of Bavaria Sep.6 14090610
Malachiae Malachy, Bishop at Armagh, Ireland Nov.2 14110220
Mamerti Mamertus, Bishop of Vienne May.11 14051100
Marcelli Marcellus, Martyr Sep.4 14090420
Marcelli Parisien.,8 In week after Marcellus of Paris 14110318
Marcelli Parisiensis Marcellus, Bishop of Paris Nov.3 14110310
Marcelli, Apuleii Marcellus and Apulejus, Martyrs Oct.7 14100710
Marcelli, Pont. Marcellus I, Pope and Martyr Jan.16 14011600
Marcellini, Petri Marcellinus and Peter, Martyrs Jun.2 14060200
Marci Mark, Evangelist Apr.25 14042500
Marci, Marcellini Mark and Marcellian, Martyrs Jun.18 14061800
Marci, Pont. Mark, Pope Oct.7 14100700
Marci,8 In week after Mark, Evangelist 14042508
Margaritae Margaret (Marina), Virgin Martyr Jul.20 14072010
Margaritae Cortonensis Margaret of Cortona, penitent (canonized in 1728) Feb.22 14022210
Mariae ad Nives Mary of the Snows Aug.5 14080520
Mariae Aegyptiacae Mary the Egyptian, Penitent Apr.2 14040200
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