List of Genres
Displaying 1-63 of 63 genres.
Abbreviation | Genre |
A | Antiphon |
AV | Antiphon verse |
Ag | Agnus dei |
Al | Alleluia |
AlV | Alleluia verse |
BD | Benedicamus domino |
Ca | Canticle |
CaV | Canticle verse |
Cap | Capitulum |
Cm | Communion |
CmR | Versus ad repetendum for the communion |
CmV | Communion verse |
Cn | Cantio, Cantiones (paraliturgical sacred songs with poetic and often strophic Latin or vernacular texts) |
CnV | Cantio Verse (strophe of paraliturgical sacred poetic text) |
Co | Collect |
Cr | Credo |
D | Dramatic element (used for items of liturgical drama that are not otherwise rubricked) |
Gl | Gloria |
Gr | Gradual |
GrV | Gradual verse |
H | Hymn |
HV | Hymn verse |
I | Invitatory antiphon |
IP | Invitatory psalm (when fully written out and notated) |
Ig | Ingressa (for the Beneventan liturgy) |
In | Introit |
InR | Versus ad repetendum for the introit |
InV | Introit verse |
Ite | Ite missa est |
Ky | Kyrie |
L | Lesson (when fully written out and notated) |
Li | Litany |
LiV | Litany verse |
Of | Offertory |
OfV | Offertory verse |
Or | Oratio / Prayer |
PRCS | Preces (Old Hispanic) |
PRCSV | Verse for the Preces (Old Hispanic) |
PS | Psalm |
Pc | Postcommunion |
Pn | Pater noster |
Pr | Prefatio (when written out and notated) |
Psa | Prosa |
Psl | Prosula (a type of trope - Tp) |
R | Responsory |
Sa | Sanctus |
Sec | Secret / Oratio secreta |
Sq | Sequence |
SqV | Sequence verse |
Tc | Tract |
TcV | Tract verse |
Tp | Tropus |
TpBD | Benedicamus domino trope |
TpIte | Troped Ite missa est |
V | Responsory verse |
Va | Varia |
VaHW | Varia within Holy Week |
W | Versicle |
[?] | Unknown, ambiguous, unidentifiable, illegible |
[GV] | Verse for a Mass chant (a generic code used in the earliest Cantus indices) |
[G] | Mass chant (a generic code used in the earliest Cantus indices) |
[MO] | Mass Ordinary (a generic code used in the earliest Cantus indices) |
[M] | "Miscellaneous" (a descriptor used in the earliest versions of Cantus for the Te Deum, Versus in Triduo, prosulae - to be replaced by Va=Varia) |