Browse Chants

Displaying 1801-1900 of 4062 chants
Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
112v 2 Ad cenam agni providi*

Ad cenam agni providi*

Dominica TP V H 008249 * Image
112v 3 Mane nobiscum domine alleluia R.

Mane nobiscum domine alleluia R. Quoniam advesperascit alleluia*

Dominica TP V W 800263 * Image
112v 4 Cum esset sero die illo

Cum esset sero die illo una sabbatorum et fores essent clausae ubi erant discipuli congregati in unum stetit Jesus in medio et dixit eis pax vobis alleluia

Dominica TP V A M 002002 1 Image
112v 5 Crucem sanctam subiit qui infernum

Crucem sanctam subiit qui infernum confregit accinctus est potentia surrexit die tertia alleluia

Suff. Crucis V A R 001951 2 Image
112v 6 Dicite in nationibus alleluia R.

Dicite in nationibus alleluia R. Quia dominus regnavit a ligno alleluia

Suff. Crucis V W R 008013 * Image
112v 7 Alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia

Alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia

In tempore Paschae C A 001329 8 Image
112v 8 In manus tuas domine commendo

In manus tuas domine commendo spiritum meum alleluia alleluia

In tempore Paschae C R 601142 r Image
112v 9 Surrexit dominus vere alleluia

Surrexit dominus vere alleluia

Dominica TP M I 001166 * Image
112v 10 Rex aeterne domine*

Rex aeterne domine*

Dominica TP M H 008383 * Image
112v 11 Alleluia lapis revolutus est alleluia

Alleluia lapis revolutus est alleluia ab ostio monumenti alleluia alleluia

Dominica TP M A 1. 001345 5 Image
112v 12 Surrexit dominus de sepulcro*

Surrexit dominus de sepulcro*

Dominica TP M W 1. 008212 * Image
112v 13 Angelus descendit de caelo*

Angelus descendit de caelo*

Dominica TP M R 1.1 006093 * Image
112v 14 Et introeuntes*

Et introeuntes*

Dominica TP M V 01 006093b * Image
112v 15 Angelus domini locutus est mulieribus

Angelus domini locutus est mulieribus dicens quem quaeritis an Jesum quaeritis jam surrexit venite et videte alleluia alleluia

Dominica TP M R 1.2 006095 5 Image
113r 1 Jesum quaeritis Nazarenum crucifixum surrexit

Jesum quaeritis Nazarenum crucifixum surrexit non est hic

Dominica TP M V 01 006095b 5 Image
113r 2 Alleluia quem quaeris mulier alleluia

Alleluia quem quaeris mulier alleluia viventem cum mortuis alleluia alleluia

Dominica TP M A 2. 001350 5 Image
113r 3 Surrexit dominus vere alleluia*

Surrexit dominus vere alleluia*

Dominica TP M W 2. 008213 * Image
113r 4 Alleluia noli flere Maria alleluia

Alleluia noli flere Maria alleluia resurrexit dominus alleluia alleluia

Dominica TP M A 3. 001348 5 Image
113r 5 Gavisi sunt discipuli alleluia R.

Gavisi sunt discipuli alleluia R. Viso domino alleluia

Dominica TP M W 3. 008080 * Image
113r 6 Te deum laudamus*

Te deum laudamus*

Dominica TP M 909010 * Image
113r 7 Alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia

Alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia

Dominica TP L A 1 001335 8 Image
113r 8 Surrexit Christus de sepulcro qui

Surrexit Christus de sepulcro qui liberavit tres pueros de camino ignis ardentis alleluia

Dominica TP L A 4 005076 6 Image
113v 1 Alleluia alleluia alleluia

Alleluia alleluia alleluia

Dominica TP L A 5 001328 6 Image
113v 2 Aurora lucis*

Aurora lucis*

Dominica TP L H 008271 * Image
113v 3 In resurrectione tua Christe alleluia*

In resurrectione tua Christe alleluia*

Dominica TP L W 008100 * Image
113v 4 Cum esset sero die illo*

Cum esset sero die illo*

Dominica TP L A B 002002 * Image
113v 5 Crucifixus surrexit a mortuis redemit

Crucifixus surrexit a mortuis redemit nos alleluia alleluia

Suff. Crucis L A R 001957 6 Image
113v 6 Alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia

Alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia

Dominica TP P A 001329 8 Image
113v 7 Christe fili dei vivi miserere

Christe fili dei vivi miserere nobis alleluia alleluia

Dominica TP P R 006276 r Image
113v 8 Qui surrexisti a mortuis

Qui surrexisti a mortuis

Dominica TP P V 01 006276zf r Image
113v 9 Exsurge christe adjuva nos alleluia*

Exsurge christe adjuva nos alleluia*

Dominica TP P W 008072 * Image
113v 10 Alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia

Alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia

Dominica TP T A 001329 2 Image
113v 11 Surrexit dominus de sepulcro alleluia

Surrexit dominus de sepulcro alleluia alleluia

Dominica TP T R 007738 r Image
113v 12 Qui pro nobis pependit in

Qui pro nobis pependit in ligno

Dominica TP T V 01 007738a r Image
113v 13 Surrexit dominus vere alleluia R.

Surrexit dominus vere alleluia R. Et apparuit*

Dominica TP T W 008213 * Image
113v 14 Alleluia alleluia alleluia

Alleluia alleluia alleluia

Dominica TP S A 001328 8 Image
113v 15 Surrexit dominus vere alleluia alleluia

Surrexit dominus vere alleluia alleluia

Dominica TP S R 007740 r Image
113v 16 Et apparuit Simoni

Et apparuit Simoni

Dominica TP S V 01 007740a r Image
114r 1 Gavisi sunt discipuli alleluia R.

Gavisi sunt discipuli alleluia R. Viso domino alleluia

Dominica TP S W 008080 * Image
114r 2 Alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia

Alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia

Dominica TP N A 001329 8 Image
114r 3 Gavisi sunt discipuli alleluia alleluia

Gavisi sunt discipuli alleluia alleluia

Dominica TP N R 006767 r Image
114r 4 Viso domino alleluia alleluia

Viso domino alleluia alleluia

Dominica TP N V 01 006767a r Image
114r 5 Mane nobiscum domine alleluia R.

Mane nobiscum domine alleluia R. Quoniam advesperascit*

Dominica TP N W 800263 * Image
114r 6 Alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia

Alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia

Dominica TP V2 A p 001329 7 Image
114r 7 Ad cenam agni*

Ad cenam agni*

Dominica TP V2 H 008249 * Image
114r 8 Mane nobiscum domine alleluia R.

Mane nobiscum domine alleluia R. Quoniam*

Dominica TP V2 W 800263 * Image
114r 9 Post dies octo januis clausis

Post dies octo januis clausis ingressus dominus dixit eis pax vobis alleluia alleluia

Dominica TP V2 A M 004326 8 Image
114r 10 Alleluia alleluia alleluia

Alleluia alleluia alleluia

Fer. 2 p. Oct.Pasch. M I 001023 6 Image
114r 11 Rex aeterne*

Rex aeterne*

Fer. 2 p. Oct.Pasch. M H 008383 * Image
114r 12 Alleluia alleluia alleluia

Alleluia alleluia alleluia

Fer. 2 p. Oct.Pasch. M A 1. 001328 1 Image
114r 13 Surrexit dominus de sepulcro alleluia*

Surrexit dominus de sepulcro alleluia*

Fer. 2 p. Oct.Pasch. M W 1. 008212 * Image
114r 14 Te deum laudamus*

Te deum laudamus*

In tempore Paschae M 909010 * Image
114r 15 Alleluia*


Fer. 2 p. Oct.Pasch. L A 001335 * Image
114r 16 Aurora lucis*

Aurora lucis*

Fer. 2 p. Oct.Pasch. L H 008271 * Image
114r 17 In resurrectione tua*

In resurrectione tua*

Fer. 2 p. Oct.Pasch. L W 008100 * Image
114r 18 Surgens Jesus mane prima sabbati

Surgens Jesus mane prima sabbati apparuit primo Mariae Magdalenae de qua ejecerat septem daemonia alleluia

In tempore Paschae L A 1B 005075 8 Image
114r 19 Praecedam vos in Galilaeam ibi

Praecedam vos in Galilaeam ibi me videbitis sicut dixi vobis alleluia

In tempore Paschae L A 2B 004352 1 Image
114v 1 Alleluia ego sum vitis vera

Alleluia ego sum vitis vera alleluia vos palmites veri alleluia alleluia

In tempore Paschae L A 3B 001342 5 Image
114v 2 Ardens est cor meum desidero

Ardens est cor meum desidero videre dominum deum quaero et non invenio ubi posuerunt eum alleluia

In tempore Paschae L A 4B 001479 8 Image
114v 3 Venerunt ad monumentum Maria Magdalene

Venerunt ad monumentum Maria Magdalene et altera Maria videre sepulcrum alleluia

In tempore Paschae L A 5B 005317 1 Image
114v 4 Euntes in mundum alleluia docete

Euntes in mundum alleluia docete omnes gentes alleluia

In tempore Paschae L A 6B 002737 6 Image
114v 5 Euntes in mundum docete omnes

Euntes in mundum docete omnes gentes baptizantes eos in nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti alleluia

In tempore Paschae L A 7B 002738 8 Image
114v 6 Ite nuntiate fratribus meis alleluia

Ite nuntiate fratribus meis alleluia ut eant in Galilaeam ibi me videbunt alleluia alleluia alleluia

In tempore Paschae L A 8B 003462 4 Image
114v 7 Tu solus peregrinus es et

Tu solus peregrinus es et non audisti de Jesu quomodo tradiderunt eum in damnationem mortis alleluia

In tempore Paschae L A 9B 005222 1 Image
115r 1 Nonne sic oportuit pati Christum

Nonne sic oportuit pati Christum et intrare in gloriam suam alleluia

In tempore Paschae L A 10B 003950 8 Image
115r 2 Et incipiens a Moyse et

Et incipiens a Moyse et omnibus prophetis interpretabatur illis scripturas quae de ipso erant alleluia

In tempore Paschae L A 11B 002706 1 Image
115r 3 Et coegerunt illum dicentes mane

Et coegerunt illum dicentes mane nobiscum domine quia advesperascit alleluia

In tempore Paschae L A 12B 002692 2 Image
115r 4 Mane nobiscum quoniam advesperascit et

Mane nobiscum quoniam advesperascit et inclinata est jam dies alleluia alleluia

In tempore Paschae L A 13B 003690 7 Image
115r 5 Et intravit cum illis et

Et intravit cum illis et factum est dum recumberet cum illis accepit panem et benedixit fregit ac porrigebat illis alleluia

In tempore Paschae L A 14B 002708 3 Image
115r 6 Cognoverunt dominum alleluia in fractione

Cognoverunt dominum alleluia in fractione panis alleluia

In tempore Paschae L A 15B 001848 6 Image
115r 7 Nonne cor nostrum ardens erat

Nonne cor nostrum ardens erat in nobis de Jesu dum loqueretur nobis in via alleluia

In tempore Paschae L A 16B 003943 2 Image
115r 8 Pax vobis ego sum alleluia

Pax vobis ego sum alleluia nolite timere alleluia

In tempore Paschae L A 17B 004254 6 Image
115r 9 Spiritus carnem et ossa non

Spiritus carnem et ossa non habet sicut me videtis habere jam credite alleluia

In tempore Paschae L A 18B 004996 8 Image
115v 1 Obtulerunt discipuli domino partem piscis

Obtulerunt discipuli domino partem piscis assi et favum mellis alleluia alleluia

In tempore Paschae L A 19B 004103 1 Image
115v 2 Isti sunt sermones quos dicebam

Isti sunt sermones quos dicebam vobis cum essem vobiscum alleluia alleluia

In tempore Paschae L A 20B 003445 8 Image
115v 3 Jesum qui crucifixus est quaeritis

Jesum qui crucifixus est quaeritis alleluia non est hic surrexit enim sicut dixit vobis alleluia

In tempore Paschae L A 21B 003484 8 Image
115v 4 Alleluia alleluia alleluia

Alleluia alleluia alleluia

Fer. 2 p. Oct.Pasch. V2 A 001328 1 Image
115v 5 Ad cenam agni*

Ad cenam agni*

Fer. 2 p. Oct.Pasch. V2 H 008249 * Image
115v 6 Mane nobiscum domine alleluia*

Mane nobiscum domine alleluia*

Fer. 2 p. Oct.Pasch. V2 W 800263 * Image
115v 7 Pax vobis ego sum alleluia

Pax vobis ego sum alleluia nolite timere alleluia

Octava Paschae,8 V2 A 1M 004254 6 Image
115v 8 Mitte manum tuam et cognosce

Mitte manum tuam et cognosce loca clavorum alleluia et noli esse incredulus sed fidelis alleluia

Octava Paschae,8 V2 A 2M 003797 8 Image
115v 9 Quia vidisti me Thoma credidisti

Quia vidisti me Thoma credidisti beati qui non viderunt et crediderunt alleluia

Octava Paschae,8 V2 A 3M 004513 8 Image
115v 10 Misi digitos meos in fixuras

Misi digitos meos in fixuras clavorum et manum meam in latus ejus et dixi dominus meus et deus meus alleluia

Octava Paschae,8 V2 A 4M 003782 8 Image
116r 1 Multa quidem et alia signa

Multa quidem et alia signa fecit Jesus in conspectu discipulorum suorum alleluia quae non sunt scripta in libro hoc alleluia

Octava Paschae,8 V2 A 5M 003828 3 Image
116r 2 Haec autem scripta sunt ut

Haec autem scripta sunt ut credatis quia Jesus est Christus filius dei et ut credentes vitam habeatis in nomine ipsius alleluia

Octava Paschae,8 V2 A 6M 002993 8 Image
116r 3 Alleluia alleluia alleluia

Alleluia alleluia alleluia

Feria 3 TP M A 1. 001328 1 Image
116r 4 Surrexit dominus vere alleluia*

Surrexit dominus vere alleluia*

Feria 3 TP M W 1. 008213 * Image
116r 5 Alleluia*


Feria 3 TP L A 001335 * Image
116r 6 Alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia

Alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia

Feria 3 TP V2 A 001329 4 Image
116r 7 Alleluia alleluia alleluia

Alleluia alleluia alleluia

Feria 4 TP M A 1. 001328 8 Image
116r 8 Gavisi sunt discipuli alleluia*

Gavisi sunt discipuli alleluia*

Feria 4 TP M W 1. 008080 * Image
116r 9 Alleluia alleluia alleluia

Alleluia alleluia alleluia

Feria 4 TP V2 A 001328 2 Image
116r 10 Alleluia alleluia alleluia

Alleluia alleluia alleluia

Feria 5 TP M A 1. 001328 2 Image
116r 11 Surrexit dominus de sepulcro alleluia*

Surrexit dominus de sepulcro alleluia*

Feria 5 TP M W 1. 008212 * Image
116r 12 Alleluia alleluia alleluia

Alleluia alleluia alleluia

Feria 5 TP V2 A 001328 1 Image
116r 13 Alleluia alleluia alleluia

Alleluia alleluia alleluia

Feria 6 TP M A 1. 001328 1 Image
116r 14 Surrexit dominus vere alleluia*

Surrexit dominus vere alleluia*

Feria 6 TP M W 1. 008213 * Image
116v 1 Alleluia alleluia alleluia

Alleluia alleluia alleluia

Feria 6 TP V2 A 001328 5 Image
116v 2 Alleluia alleluia alleluia

Alleluia alleluia alleluia

Sabbato TP M A 1. 001328 1 Image
116v 3 Gavisi sunt discipuli alleluia*

Gavisi sunt discipuli alleluia*

Sabbato TP M W 1. 008080 * Image
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