Benedicta sit creatrix et
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- 028v
- Sequence
- 16
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List of concordances
For concordances, please consult the Cantus Index entry for Cantus ID 001707.
For concordances, please consult the Cantus Index entry for Cantus ID 001707.
1 | M R 3.4 | O beata trinitas te laudamus | 007254 |
2 | M V 01 | Tibi laus tibi gloria tibi | 007254a |
3 | M V 02 | Gloria patri et filio et | 909000 |
4 | M R 13 | Deus majestatis rex | 006426 |
5 | M V 01 | Gloriam psallat chorus et | 006426za |
6 | M R 14 | O sublime decus trino quod | 601658 |
7 | M V 01 | Te laudat generosus homo | 601658a |
1 | L A 1 | O beata et benedicta et | 003992 |
2 | L AV 01 | Tibi laus tibi gloria tibi | 003992a |
3 | L A 2 | O beata benedicta gloriosa | 003990 |
4 | L AV 01 | Miserere miserere miserere | 003990a |
5 | L A 3 | O vera summa sempiterna | 004086 |
6 | L AV 01 | Tibi laus tibi gloria tibi | 004086a |
7 | L A 4 | O vera summa sempiterna | 004087 |
8 | L AV 01 | Miserere miserere miserere | 004087a |
9 | L A 5 | Te jure laudant te adorant | 005120 |
10 | L AV 01 | Tibi laus tibi gloria tibi | 005120a |
11 | L R | O sublime decus* | 601658 |
12 | L V 01 | Te laudat generosus* | 601658a |
13 | L H | Splendor paternae gloriae de* | 008394 |
14 | L W | Verbo domini caeli firmati | 008237 |
15 | L A B | Te deum patrem ingenitum te | 005117 |
16 | V2 A 1 | Benedicta sit creatrix et | 001707 |
17 | V2 A 2 | In patre manet aeternitas in | 202457 |
1 | V2 A 3 | Gloria et honor et benedictio | 002944 |
2 | V2 A 4 | Benedictio et claritas et | 001710 |
3 | V2 R | Deum time et mandata ejus* | 006416 |
4 | V2 V 01 | Timentibus deum* | 006416a |
5 | V2 H | O lux beata trinitas* | 008358 |
6 | V2 W | Verbo domini caeli firmati | 008237 |
7 | V2 A M | Hodie completi sunt dies | 202224 |