Beata Agatha ingressa carcerem benedicebat
- Folio
- 122
- Sequence
- 9
- Differentia
- ab
- Differentiae Database
70b - Full text as in Source (standardized spelling)
- Beata Agatha ingressa carcerem benedicebat dominum Jesum Christum
- Full text as in Source (source spelling)
- Beata agathes ingressa carcerem benedicebat dominum ihecum Christum. Deus noster
- Indexing Notes
- Very faded mode and differentia -- checked with original in St. Gall library;
- Image link
- Image link (Cantus Ultimus)
List of concordances
For concordances, please consult the Cantus Index entry for Cantus ID 001557.