Orante sancta Lucia*
- Folio
- 219v
- Sequence
- 2
- Image link
- https://iiif-mufo.oeaw.ac.at/mahss/A-VOR287/A-VOR287-219v/full/full/0/default.jpg
List of concordances
For concordances, please consult the Cantus Index entry for Cantus ID 004178.
For concordances, please consult the Cantus Index entry for Cantus ID 004178.
1 | M V 01 | Adjuvabit eam deus vultu suo | 006789a |
2 | L A 1 | Orante sancta Lucia apparuit | 004178 |
3 | L A 2 | Lucia virgo quid a me | 003639 |
4 | L A 3 | Per te Lucia virgo civitas | 004267 |
5 | L A 4 | Benedico te pater domini mei | 001703 |
6 | L A 5 | Tanto pondere eam fixit | 005110 |
7 | L H | Virginis proles* | 008411 |
8 | L W | Adjuvabit eam deus vultu suo | 007934 |
1 | L A B | Soror mea Lucia virgo deo | 004984 |
2 | V2 A 1 | Orante sancta Lucia* | 004178 |
3 | V2 A 2 | Lucia virgo* | 003639 |
4 | V2 A 3 | Per te Lucia* | 004267 |
5 | V2 A 4 | Tanto pondere* | 005110 |
6 | V2 A 5 | Soror mea Lucia* | 004984 |
7 | V2 H | Virginis proles* | 008411 |
8 | V2 W | Adjuvabit eam deus* | 007934 |
9 | V2 A M | Columna es immobilis Lucia | 001855 |
10 | V A 1 | Post gloriam salutiferae | 203884 |
11 | V A 2 | Alta dispensatione actum hoc | 200237 |
12 | V A 3 | Dicunt Thomae discipuli se | 201226 |
13 | V A 4 | Nisi videro et tetigero non | 203258 |
1 | V A 5 | Dubitans ergo nobis dubitavit | 201398 |
2 | V R | Adest beati Thomae apostoli | 600044 |
3 | V V 01 | Devoti igitur et jucundi | 600044a |
4 | V V 02 | Gloria patri et filio et | 909000 |
5 | V H | O Thoma Christi* | 008262b |
6 | V W | In omnem terram exivit* | 008097 |
7 | V A M | O Thoma Didyme per Christum | 004083 |