Caelorum candor splenduit novum sidus
- Full text as in Source (standardized spelling)
Caelorum candor splenduit novum sidus emicuit sacer Franciscus claruit cui seraph apparuit signans eum charactere in volis plantis latere dum formam crucis gerere vult corde ore opere alleluia
- Full text as in Source (source spelling)
CElorum candor splenduit novum sidus emicuit sacer franciscus claruit cui seraph apparuit signans eum caratere in volis plantis latere dum formam crucis gerere vult corde ore opere Alleluya
- Indexing Notes
the rubric indicates that this antiphon should only be sung on Feria IV, implying that this chant would have been sung during the octave as a memorial or for another feast for St. Francis occurring during a non-penitential season (such as the Stigmata of Francis);
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