De festis duplicibus majoribus TP
Chants for feasts of duplex major rank in Eastertide |
16016082 |
De festis duplicibus minoribus
Chants for feasts of duplex minor rank |
16016001 |
De festis duplicibus minoribus TP
Chants for feasts of duplex minor rank in Eastertide |
16016081 |
De festis semiduplicibus
Chants for feasts of semiduplex rank |
16015000 |
De festis semiduplicibus TP
Chants for feasts of semiduplex rank in Eastertide |
16015080 |
De festis simplicibus
Chants for feasts of simple rank |
16039000 |
De festis sollemnibus
Chants for solemn feasts |
16051000 |
De Imagine Domini
The Icon of our Lord Saviour |
14110900 |
De Job
Summer Histories, from Job |
10300000 |
De Judith
Summer Histories, from Judith |
10500000 |
De Machabaeis
Summer Histories, from Maccabees |
10800000 |
De Patriarchis
Memorial chants for Patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob) |
12020000 |
De Patronis
Memorial chants for Patrons |
12014000 |
De Plur. Sanctis TP
Common of several Saints, Eastertide |
12815100 |
De Prophetis
Summer Histories, from the Prophets |
10900000 |
De quinque vulneribus Christi
The Five Wounds of Christ (celebrated on the Friday after the octave of Corpus Christi in Mainz and on a variety of other days in different locations) |
09026000 |
De Regum
Summer Histories, from Kings |
10100000 |
De Sancta Cruce
Votive Mass/Office for the Holy Cross, including e.g. Missa Votiva de Sancta Cruce. Fer. VI. |
15011000 |
De Sancta Lancea
The Holy Lance; on the Friday after the Octave of Easter |
08026010 |
De Sanctis
Memorial chants for Saints |
12015000 |
De Sanctis TP
Common of Saints, Eastertide |
12815000 |
De Sapientia
Summer Histories, from Wisdom |
10200000 |
De secunda allatione reliquiarum in ecclesia Pragensis
A second showing of relics in St Vitus's Cathedral, Prague |
14010820 |
De Spiritu Sancto
Votive Mass/Office for the Holy Spirit, including, e.g. Missa Votiva de Spiritu Sancto. Feria V. |
15002000 |
De Tobia
Summer Histories, from Tobias |
10400000 |
De Trinitate
Trinity Sunday |
09011000 |
De Trinitate,8
In the week after Trinity Sunday |
09011008 |
De uno defuncto
For one dead person |
13009000 |
De victoriae christianorum apud Salado
Commemoration of the victory of the Christians at the Battle of Rio Salado (also known as the Battle of Tarifa), 30 October 1340 |
14103010 |
De Viduarum
Memorial chants for widows |
12021000 |
Decem Millium Martyrum
Ten Thousand Martyrs (crucified on Mount Ararat) |
14062240 |
Decoll. Antonini
Beheading of Antoninus |
14070410 |
Decoll. Jo. Bapt.
Beheading of John the Baptist |
14082900 |
Dedication of Mont-Saint-Michel |
14101630 |
Dedic. Bas. S. Petri
Dedication of Saint Peter's, Rome |
14111820 |
Dedic. S. Salvatoris
Dedication of Saint Saviour's |
14110940 |
Dedic. S.Salv., Mar.
Dedication of the Church of the Holy Saviour, St. Martial (Limoges) |
14101340 |
Demetrius, Martyr |
14100850 |
Depositio Emerici
Commemoration of the Burial of Emeric, Confessor, Son of King Stephen of Hungary |
14090210 |
Depositio Ludgeri
Commemoration of the Burial of Ludger |
14042420 |
Desiderii Lingon
Desiderius (Didier), Martyr, Bishop of Langres |
14052300 |
Didaci Confessoris
Die 2 p. Assump.
First day after Assumption of Mary |
14081620 |
Die 2 p. Epiphaniam
1st day after Epiphany (2nd day "of" Epiphany) |
05010700 |
Die 3 a. Nat. Domini
The third day before Christmas |
02122300 |
Die 3 p. Assump.
Second day after Assumption of Mary |
14081720 |
Die 3 p. Epiphaniam
2nd day after Epiphany (3rd day "of" Epiphany) |
05010800 |
Die 4 p. Assump.
Third day after Assumption of Mary |
14081820 |
Die 4 p. Epiphaniam
3rd day after Epiphany (4th day "of" Epiphany) |
05010900 |
Die 5 a. Nat. Domini
The fifth day before Christmas |
02122100 |
Die 5 p. Assump.
Fourth day after Assumption of Mary |
14081910 |
Die 5 p. Epiphaniam
4th day after Epiphany (5th day of Epiphany) |
05011000 |
Die 5 p. Nat. Domini
4th day after Christmas |
02122900 |
Die 6 p. Assump.
Fifth day after Assumption of Mary |
14082020 |
Die 6 p. Epiphaniam
5th day after Epiphany (6th day "of" Epiphany |
05011100 |
Die 6 p. Nat. Domini
5th day after Christmas |
02123000 |
Die 7 p. Assump.
Sixth day after Assumption of Mary |
14082100 |
Die 7 p. Epiphaniam
6th day after Epiphany (7th day "of" Epiphany) |
05011200 |
Die 7 p. Nat. Domini
6th day after Christmas |
02123100 |
Denis (Dionysius), Bishop of Paris |
14100900 |
In week after Denis, Bishop of Paris |
14100908 |
Disibod, Bishop and Patron of Disibodenberg |
14090840 |
Divisio Apostolorum
Sending forth of the Apostles |
14071510 |
Dom. 1 Adventus
1st Sunday of Advent |
01011000 |
Dom. 1 p. Epiph.,8
In the week following the 1st Sunday after Epiphany |
05011018 |
Dom. 1 p. Epiphaniam
1st Sunday after Epiphany (Sunday within the octave of Epiphany, 'Dom. Infra Oct. Epiph.') |
05011010 |
Dom. 1 p. Oct. Corporis Christi
Sunday after the Octave of Corpus Christi |
09031010 |
Dom. 1 p. Pent.
1st Sunday after Pentecost |
09011010 |
Dom. 1 Quadragesimae
1st Sunday of Lent |
07011000 |
Dom. 10 p. Pent.
10th Sunday after Pentecost |
09101000 |
Dom. 10 p. Pent.,8
In 11th week after Pentecost |
09101008 |
Dom. 11 p. Pent.
11th Sunday after Pentecost |
09111000 |
Dom. 11 p. Pent.,8
In 12th week after Pentecost |
09111008 |
Dom. 12 p. Pent.
12th Sunday after Pentecost |
09121000 |
Dom. 12 p. Pent.,8
In 13th week after Pentecost |
09121008 |
Dom. 13 p. Pent.
13th Sunday after Pentecost |
09131000 |
Dom. 13 p. Pent.,8
In 14th week after Pentecost |
09131008 |
Dom. 14 p. Pent.
14th Sunday after Pentecost |
09141000 |
Dom. 14 p. Pent.,8
In 15th week after Pentecost |
09141008 |
Dom. 15 p. Pent.
15th Sunday after Pentecost |
09151000 |
Dom. 15 p. Pent.,8
In 16th week after Pentecost |
09151008 |
Dom. 16 p. Pent.
16th Sunday after Pentecost |
09161000 |
Dom. 16 p. Pent.,8
In 17th week after Pentecost |
09161008 |
Dom. 17 p. Pent.
17th Sunday after Pentecost |
09171000 |
Dom. 17 p. Pent.,8
In 18th week after Pentecost |
09171008 |
Dom. 18 p. Pent.
18th Sunday after Pentecost |
09181000 |
Dom. 18 p. Pent.,8
In 19th week after Pentecost |
09181008 |
Dom. 19 p. Pent.
19th Sunday after Pentecost |
09191000 |
Dom. 19 p. Pent.,8
In 20th week after Pentecost |
09191008 |
Dom. 2 Adventus
2nd Sunday of Advent |
01021000 |
Dom. 2 p. Epiph.
2nd Sunday after Epiphany |
05021000 |
Dom. 2 p. Epiph.,8
In the week following the 2nd Sunday after Epiphany |
05021008 |
Dom. 2 p. Pascha
2nd Sunday after Easter |
08031000 |
Dom. 2 p. Pascha,8
In 3rd week after Easter |
08031008 |
Dom. 2 p. Pent.
2nd Sunday after Pentecost (also "Dom. 1 p. Oct. Pent.") |
09021000 |
Dom. 2 p. Pent.,8
In 3rd week after Pentecost |
09021008 |
Dom. 2 Quadragesimae
2nd Sunday of Lent |
07021000 |
Dom. 20 p. Pent.
20th Sunday after Pentecost |
09201000 |
Dom. 20 p. Pent.,8
In 21st week after Pentecost |
09201008 |
Dom. 21 p. Pent.
21st Sunday after Pentecost |
09211000 |