Chants by Cantus ID: 008248:08

Displaying 201-256 of 256 chants.

Source Folio Title Service Genre Position Feast Mode 1 Facsimile
I-Nn vi. E. 20 049r Hostis Herodes impie* M H Octava Epiphaniae *
I-Nn vi. E. 20 393r Hostis Herodes impie Christum V H Epiphania
I-Nn vi. E. 20 393v Hostis Herodes* M H Epiphania,8 *
I-Nn vi. E. 20 042v Hostis Herodes* V H Epiphania *
I-Nn vi. E. 20 046v Hostis Herodes impie* V2 H Epiphania *
I-VCd CLXX 030v Hostis Herodes* V H Dom. 1 p. Epiphaniam *
I-VCd CLXX 180r Hostis Herodes impie Christum venisse* H Hymni *
I-VCd CLXX 027r Hostis Herodes impie Christum venire V2 H Vigilia Epiphaniae
I-VCd CLXX 029r Hostis Herodes* L H Epiphania *
I-VCd CLXX 029v Hostis Herodes* V2 H Epiphania *
I-VCd CLXX 031v Hostis Herodes* L H Dom. 1 p. Epiphaniam *
I-VCd CLXX 031v Hostis Herodes* V2 H Dom. 1 p. Epiphaniam *
I-VCd CLXX 031v Hostis* V H Octava Epiphaniae *
I-VCd CLXX 032v Hostis Herodes* L H Octava Epiphaniae *
I-VCd CLXX 032v Hostis Herodes* V2 H Octava Epiphaniae *
NL-Uu Ms. 406 (shelfmark 3 J 7) 031v Hostis Herodes impie Christum venire C H Nat. Innocentium Image
NL-Uu Ms. 406 (shelfmark 3 J 7) 041r Hostis Herodes* V2 H Epiphania,8 Image
NL-Uu Ms. 406 (shelfmark 3 J 7) 042r Hostis Herodes impie* V H Octava Epiphaniae * Image
NL-Uu Ms. 406 (shelfmark 3 J 7) 038r Hostis Herodes impie V H Epiphania Image
NL-Uu Ms. 406 (shelfmark 3 J 7) 038r Hostis Herodes* V2 H Oct. Nat. Innocent. Image
PL-KIk Ms. 1 029r Hostis Herodes* V H Dom. 1 p. Epiphaniam *
PL-KIk Ms. 1 029v Hostis Herodes* V H Octava Epiphaniae *
PL-KIk Ms. 1 025r Hostis Herodes impie V2 H Vigilia Epiphaniae
PL-KIk Ms. 1 028r Hostis Herodes* V2 H Epiphania
PL-Kkar Ms.2 (rkp. Perg. 14) 076r Hostis Herodes* L H Epiphania *
PL-Kkar Ms.5 (rkp. Perg. 13) 049r Hostis Herodes* V2 H Vigilia Epiphaniae *
PL-Kkar Ms.5 (rkp. Perg. 13) 053v Hostis Herodes* L H Epiphania *
PL-Kkar Ms.5 (rkp. Perg. 13) 054r Hostis Herodes* V2 H Epiphania *
PL-Kkar Ms.5 (rkp. Perg. 13) 056v Hostis Herodes* L H Epiphania,8 *
PL-Kkar Ms.5 (rkp. Perg. 13) 056v Hostis Herodes* V H Octava Epiphaniae *
PL-Kkar Ms.5 (rkp. Perg. 13) 057r Hostis Herodes* L H Octava Epiphaniae *
PL-Kkar Ms.5 (rkp. Perg. 13) 057v Hostis Herodes* V2 H Octava Epiphaniae *
PL-Kkar Ms.2 (rkp. Perg. 14) 080r Hostis Herodes* L H Die 2 p. Epiphaniam *
PL-Kkar Ms.2 (rkp. Perg. 14) 077r Hostis Herodes* V2 H Epiphania *
PL-Kkar Ms.2 (rkp. Perg. 14) 070v Hostis Herodes* V H Epiphania *
PL-Kkar Ms.2 (rkp. Perg. 14) 081v Hostis Herodes* V2 H Octava Epiphaniae *
PL-WRu Ms. R 503 032v Hostis Herodes* V2 H Epiphania *
PL-WRu Ms. R 503 033r Hostis Herodes impie* M H Epiphania,8 *
PL-WRu Ms. R 503 030r Hostis Herodes* V H Epiphania *
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) 048v Hostis Herodes impie* V H Epiphania *
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) 052r Hostis Herodes* V2 H Epiphania *
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) 054r Hostis Herodes impie* V H Dom. 1 p. Epiphaniam *
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) 054v Hostis Herodes* V2 H Dom. 1 p. Epiphaniam *
TR-Itks Deissmann 42 039r Hostis Herodes* V2 H Fer. 2 p. Epiphaniam *
TR-Itks Deissmann 42 038v Hostis Herodes* V2 H Epiphania *
TR-Itks Deissmann 42 036r Hostis Herodes* V H Epiphania *
US-Cn 24 065r Hostis Herodes* L H Epiphania *
US-Cn 24 065r Hostis Herodes impie* V2 H Epiphania *
US-Cn 24 065r Hostis Herodes impie* M H Epiphania,8 *
US-Cn 24 067r Hostis Herodes* M H Octava Epiphaniae *
US-Cn 24 062v Hostis Herodes impie Christum V H Epiphania
V-CVbav Cappella Sistina 27 132r Hostis Herodes* L H Epiphania *
V-CVbav lat. 8737 017r Hostis Herodes* V H Epiphania * Image
V-CVbav lat. 8737 022r Hostis Herodes* M H Octava Epiphaniae * Image
V-CVbav Cappella Sistina 27 128v Hostis Herodes impie* V H Epiphania
V-CVbav Cappella Sistina 27 135v Hostis Herodes impie* V2 H Epiphania *
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