Bruxelles, Bibliothèque royale, II 3823 (Fétis 1172) | Cantus Database

Bruxelles, Bibliothèque royale, II 3823 (Fétis 1172)

B-Br II 3823

Les Sources describes the notation as aquitaine. While a certain quality of stacking is present as in Aquitanian notation, other features point to the Rhein-Maas area, or at least toward northern France, particularly the messine stroke before a single note. Thus the l (for Loraine) in the ms type. The presence of feast of transfiguration also echoes the RM tradition around this period. The final folios are very difficult to read on film. Other added sequences may be burried in these folios.

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Displaying 1 - 19 of 19
Siglum Text Incipit Rubrics AH Cantus ID Notes 1 Notes 2 Notes 3
B-Br II 3823
158r 01
Nato canunt omnia Prosa de nocte 53:24 ah53024 fc42
B-Br II 3823
158v 02
Celeste organum hodie sonuit in terra Prosa ad missam de luce 54:1 ah54001 int25
B-Br II 3823
159v 03
Letabundus exultet fidelis chorus alleluia Alia prosa 54:2 ah54002 int07
B-Br II 3823
160r 04
Epiphaniam domino canamus Epiphanie domini 53:28 ah53028 fc81
B-Br II 3823
161r 05
Claris vocibus inclita canunt (sic) In purificatione sancte marie 53:101 ah53101 fc91
B-Br II 3823
162r 06
Fulgens preclara De pascha 53:35 ah53035 fp21
B-Br II 3823
163v 07
Rex omnipotens die hodierna De ascensione domini 53:66 ah53066 fp51
B-Br II 3823
164v 08
Sancti spiritus adsit nobis gratia De sancto spiritu 53:70 ah53070 d28
B-Br II 3823
165v 09
Gaude caterva dei presentis Prosa sancti iohannis baptiste 53:164 ah53164 fp21
B-Br II 3823
167r 10
Mane prima sabbati De sancta maria magdalena 54:143 ah54143 int10
B-Br II 3823
168r 11
Hac clara die turma festiva dat In assumpcione beate marie 53:98 ah53098 fc95
B-Br II 3823
169r 12
Area virga prime matris eve florens Alia 7:107 ah07107 fs0815a
B-Br II 3823
170r 13
Alle celeste nec non et perhenne luia In nativitate sancte marie 53:97 ah53097 fs0908a
B-Br II 3823
171v 14
Xpisto inclita candida nostra cannunt De omnibus sanctis 7:118 ah07118 fc91
B-Br II 3823
172v 15
Congaudentes exultemus Prosa de sancto nicholao 54:66 ah54066 int03
B-Br II 3823
175r 16
Ave maria ... virgo serena Prosa sancte marie 54:216 ah54216 int01
B-Br II 3823
176r 17
Virgines egregie virgines sacrate Prosa de virginibus 55:24 ah55024
B-Br II 3823
178v 18+
Hodierne lux diei celebris in matris dei 54:219 ah54219 int05
B-Br II 3823
180r 19+
Exultemus et letemur et andree delectemur [none] 55:56 ah55056 int18