Chants by Cantus ID: 007378a

Displaying 1-19 of 19 chants
Source Folio Title Service Genre Position Feast Mode 1 Facsimile
D-MZb E 475v Miserere nostri Jesu benigne M V 01 Inventio Crucis 7T
E-Tc 44.2 141r Miserere nobis Jesu benigne M V 01 Exaltatio Crucis 1
F-Pn Latin 1085 066v Miserere* M V 01 Inventio Crucis * Image
F-Pn Latin 1085 066r Miserere* V V 01 Inventio Crucis * Image
F-Pn Latin 15182 358r Miserere* M V 01 Exaltatio Crucis * Image
F-Pn Latin 1085 087v Miserere nostri Jesu benigne M V 01 Exaltatio Crucis ? Image
F-Pn Latin 15182 354v Miserere nostri Jesu benigne V V 01 Exaltatio Crucis 1S Image
F-Pn Latin 12044 184v Miserere nostri Jesu benigne qui M V 01 Exaltatio Crucis 8 1 Image
F-Pn Latin 15181 488v Miserere nostri Jesu benigne qui V V 01 Inventio Crucis 1S 1 Image
F-Pn Latin 15181 490r Miserere* M V 01 Inventio Crucis * 1 Image
F-R 248 (olim A. 339) 085r Miserere nobis Jesu benigne M V 01 Exaltatio Crucis 1S
F-SO 596 114r Miserere nostri Jesu benigne qui X V 01 Octava de Trinitate 1
GB-AB 20541 E 257v Miserere nobis Jesu benigne M V 01 Exaltatio Crucis 1S
GB-AB 20541 E 213r Miserere nobis Jesu benigne V2 V 01 Inventio Crucis 1S
GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 428 Miserere nobis Jesu benigne V2 V 01 Inventio Crucis 7T
PL-Kkar Ms.3 (rkp. Perg. 15) 087v Miserere nostri Jesu benigne M V 01 Inventio Crucis 1S
PL-Kkar Ms.1 (rkp. Perg. 12) 022 Miserere nostri Jesu benigne M V 01 Inventio Crucis 1S
TR-Itks Deissmann 42 177v Miserere nostri Jesu benigne V2 V 01 Inventio Crucis 1S
US-Cai 1911.142b 114r Miserere nostri Jesu benigne qui M V 01 Inventio Crucis 1 1
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