Chants by Cantus ID: 200280

Displaying 1-60 of 60 chants
Source Folio Title Service Genre Position Feast Mode 1 Facsimile
A-Gu 30 (olim 38/9 f.) 057v Angelorum esca nutrivisti populum tuum L A 2 Corporis Christi 2 Image
A-Gu 30 (olim 38/9 f.) 058r Angelorum esca* T A Corporis Christi * Image
A-KN CCl 589 045r Angelorum esca nutrivisti L A 2 Corporis Christi 2 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 185r Angelorum esca nutrivisti L A 2 Corporis Christi 2 Image
A-KN CCl 1011 239v Angelorum esca nutrivisti L A 2 Corporis Christi 2 Image
A-VOR 287 (olim XXIX) 118v Angelorum esca nutrivisti* T A Corporis Christi * Image
A-VOR 287 (olim XXIX) 118r Angelorum esca nutrivisti L A 2 Corporis Christi 2 Image
A-Wda D-4 085r Angelorum esca nutrivisti L A 2 Corporis Christi 2 Image
A-Wda C-10 046r Angelorum esca nutrivisti L A 2 Corporis Christi 2 Image
A-Wn 1799** 241r Angelorum esca nutrivisti populum tuum P A Corporis Christi 2 1 Image
B-Gu Hs BKT.006 ("Tsgrooten Antiphoner") 075r Angelorum esca* T A Corporis Christi * Image
B-Gu Hs BKT.006 ("Tsgrooten Antiphoner") 074r Angelorum esca nutrivisti populum tuum L A 2 Corporis Christi 2 Image
CDN-Mlr MS Medieval 0073 (fragment) 070v Angelorum esca nutrivisti populum tuum L A 2 Corporis Christi 2
CDN-Mlr MS Medieval 0073 (fragment) 112r Angelorum esca nutrivisti populum tuum L A 2 Corporis Christi 1
CH-E 611 122v Angelorum esca nutrivisti populum tuum L A 2 Corporis Christi 2 1 Image
CH-Fco Ms. 2 159r Angelorum esca nutrivisti populum tuum L A 2 Corporis Christi 2 1 Image
D-AAm G 20 402r Angelorum esca* T A Corporis Christi *
D-AAm G 20 402r Angelorum esca nutrivisti L A 2 Corporis Christi 2
D-FUl Aa 55 045v Angelorum* T A Corporis Christi * Image
D-FUl Aa 55 045r Angelorum esca nutrivisti L A 2 Corporis Christi 2 Image
D-KA Aug. LX a033r Angelorum esca nutrivisti populum tuum M A Corporis Christi,8 * Image
D-KA Aug. LX a033v Angelorum esca* M A 1. Fer. 4 Cor. Christi * Image
D-KA Aug. LX a033v Angelorum esca* M A 1. Fer. 3 Cor. Christi * Image
D-KA Aug. LX a033r Angelorum esca* M A 1. Fer. 2 Cor. Christi * Image
D-KA Aug. LX a033r Angelorum esca* M A Fer. 6 Cor. Christi * Image
D-MZb C 120v Angelorum esca nutrivisti populum tuum L A 2 Corporis Christi 2
D-Mbs Clm 4306 115v Angelorum esca nutrivisti L A 2 Corporis Christi 3 1 Image
D-W Cod. Guelf. 29 Helmst. (Heinemann-Nr. 32) 152v Angelorum esca nutrivisti L A 2 Corporis Christi 2
DK-Kk Gl. Kgl. S. 3449 8o [07] VII 109r Angelorum esca nutrivisti L A 2 Corporis Christi 2 1 Image
E-SA 6 160v Angelorum esca nutrivisti populum tuum L A 2 Corporis Christi 2
F-AS 465 (CGM 893) 256r Angelorum esca nutrivisti L A 2 Corporis Christi * Image
F-AS 465 (CGM 893) 258r Angelorum* L A B Fer. 4 Cor. Christi * Image
F-CA 38 (olim 40) 425v Angelorum esca nutrivisti populum tuum L A 2 Corporis Christi 2
F-CA Impr. XVI C 4 077v Angelorum esca nutrivisti L A 2 Corporis Christi 2
F-CA Impr. XVI C 4 080r Angelorum* T A Corporis Christi *
F-CA 38 (olim 40) 426v Angelorum* T A Corporis Christi 2
F-Pn Latin 15182 189r Angelorum esca nutrivisti populum tuum L A 2 Corporis Christi 2 Image
F-Pn Latin 15182 189v Angelorum* T A Corporis Christi * Image
GB-Lbl printed book IB.6753 (Augsburg Antiphoner 1495, olim AA Impr. 1495) 043v Angelorum esca nutrivisti L A 2 Corporis Christi 2
GB-Ob MS. Laud Misc. 284 270r Angelorum escam* T A Corporis Christi * Image
GB-Ob MS. Laud Misc. 284 270r Angelorum esca nutrivisti L A 2 Corporis Christi * Image
GB-WO F.160 (olim 1247) (with hymnal) 141r Angelorum esca nutrivisti L A 2 Corporis Christi 2
HR-Hf Cod. F Nr. 6 126v Angelorum esca nutrivisti L A 2 Corporis Christi 2
I-Ad 5 352 Angelorum esca nutrivisti L A 2 Corporis Christi 2
NL-Uu Ms. 406 (shelfmark 3 J 7) 139r Angelorum* T A Corporis Christi * Image
NL-Uu Ms. 406 (shelfmark 3 J 7) 138v Angelorum esca nutrivisti populum tuum L A 2 Corporis Christi 2 1 Image
NL-ZUa 6 040r Angelorum* T A Corporis Christi *
NL-ZUa 6 039v Angelorum esca nutrivisti L A 2 Corporis Christi 2
NZ-Wt MSR-03 148r Angelorum esca nutrivisti populum tuum L A 2 Corporis Christi 2 Image
PL-KIk Ms. 1 119v Angelorum esca nutrivisti populum tuum L A 2 Corporis Christi 2
PL-Kkar Ms.3 (rkp. Perg. 15) 044v Angelorum esca nutrivisti L A 2 Corporis Christi 2
PL-Kkar Ms.4 (rkp. Perg. 20) 055 Angelorum esca nutrivisti T A Corporis Christi 2
PL-WRu Ms. R 503 101r Angelorum esca nutrivisti populum tuum L A 2 Corporis Christi 2
PL-WRzno Rkp. 12025/IV 083 Angelorum esca nutrivisti L A 2 Corporis Christi 2
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18) 013v Angelorum esca nutrivisti L A 2 Corporis Christi 2
TR-Itks Deissmann 42 119r Angelorum esca nutrivisti L A 2 Corporis Christi 2
US-Cn 24 262v Angelorum esca nutrivisti L A 2 Corporis Christi *
US-KClbsc M2149.2 .V4 1629 056r Angelorum esca nutrivisti populum tuum L A 2 Corporis Christi 2
US-NYcubl MS 1 204 Angelorum esca nutrivisti populum tuum L A 2 Corporis Christi 2 Image
Cantus MA Impr. 1537 179v Angelorum esca nutrivisti populum tuum L A 2 Corporis Christi 2 Image
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