Chants by Cantus ID: 007937

Displaying 1-100 of 105 chants.

Source Folio Title Service Genre Position Feast Mode 1 Facsimile
A-Gu 29 (olim 38/8 f.) 061r Adorate dominum* S W Epiphania * Image
A-Gu 29 (olim 38/8 f.) 064r Adorate dominum* M W 3. Dom. 1 p. Epiphaniam * Image
A-Gu 29 (olim 38/8 f.) 064v Adorate dominum R. In aula* M W 3. Octava Epiphaniae * Image
A-Gu 29 (olim 38/8 f.) 065v Adorate dominum* S W Octava Epiphaniae * Image
A-Gu 29 (olim 38/8 f.) 059r Adorate dominum R. In aula* M W 3. Epiphania * Image
A-Gu 29 (olim 38/8 f.) 063v Adorate dominum* S W Epiphania,8 * Image
A-Wn Cod. 1890 054r Adorate dominum* M W 3. Epiphania * Image
A-Wn 1799** 169r Adorate dominum R. Omnes angeli L W Michaelis r Image
A-Wn 1799** 027r Adorate dominum* N W Epiphania r Image
A-Wn 1799** 026r Adorate dominum R. In aula M W 3. Epiphania r Image
AUS-Sfl Add. Ms. 413 (olim Add. Ms. Fol.1) 092r Adorate dominum alleluia R. In M W 3. Epiphania * Image
CDN-Hsmu M2149.L4 1554 051r Adorate dominum R. In aula N W Epiphania * Image
CDN-Hsmu M2149.L4 1554 049r Adorate dominum R. In aula M W 3. Epiphania * Image
CDN-Hsmu M2149.L4 1554 052r Adorate dominum* M W 3. Dom. 1 p. Epiphaniam * Image
CDN-Hsmu M2149.L4 1554 053v Adorate dominum* N W Octava Epiphaniae * Image
CH-E 611 038v Adorate dominum* S W Epiphania r Image
CH-Fco Ms. 2 041r Adorate dominum alleluia R. In M W 3. Epiphania * Image
CH-Fco Ms. 2 043v Adorate dominum alleluia R. Omnes L W Epiphania * Image
CH-Fco Ms. 2 043v Adorate dominum alleluia* S W Epiphania * Image
CH-Fco Ms. 2 043v Adorate dominum alleluia* N W Epiphania * Image
CZ-Pu VI.E.4c 105r Adorate dominum R. In aula M W 3. Epiphania
D-KA Aug. LX 031r Adorate dominum R. In aula M W 3. Epiphania * Image
D-KNd 1161 028v Adorate dominum In aula sancta N W Epiphania r Image
D-MZb D 097r Adorate dominum M W 3. Michaelis *
D-MZb A 199r Adorate dominum* L W Octava Epiphaniae *
D-MZb A 189r Adorate dominum* L W Epiphania *
D-MZb A 193v Adorate dominum* L W Die 2 p. Epiphaniam *
D-MZb A 190r Adorate dominum* S W Epiphania *
D-Ma 12o Cmm 1 047v Adorate dominum alleluia L W Epiphania r
D-Ma 12o Cmm 1 048r Adorate dominum alleluia N W Epiphania *
D-Ma 12o Cmm 1 047v Adorate dominum alleluia S W Epiphania *
D-Ma 12o Cmm 1 045v Adorate dominum alleluia M W 3. Epiphania *
D-Mbs Clm 4303 103r Adorate dominum* L W Epiphania * Image
D-Mbs Clm 4303 099r Adorate dominum alleluia* M W 3. Epiphania * Image
D-Mbs Clm 4303 103v Adorate* N W Epiphania * Image
D-Mbs Clm 4306 039r Adorate dominum alleluia M W 3. Epiphania * Image
D-Mbs Clm 4306 042r Adorate* N W Epiphania * Image
D-W Cod. Guelf. 28 Helmst. (Heinemann-Nr. 31) 127r Adorate dominum M W 3. In Dedicatione Eccl. *
E-SA 8 050r Adorate deum alleluia N W Appar. Michaelis *
E-SA 6 058v Adorate dominum alleluia R. In M W 3. Epiphania *
F-AS 465 (CGM 893) 068v Adorate dominum M W 2. Epiphania * Image
F-AS 465 (CGM 893) 073v Adorate* M W 2. Octava Epiphaniae * Image
F-CA 38 (olim 40) 419r Adorate dominum in aula sancta M W 3. Transfiguratio Dom. *
F-Pn Latin 1240 072v Adorate dominum* M W Epiphania * Image
F-Pn NAL 1412 114v Adorate dominum L W Michaelis r Image
F-Pn NAL 1411 041r Adorate dominum* N W Octava Epiphaniae * Image
F-Pn NAL 1411 040r Adorate dominum* M W 3. Dom. 1 p. Epiphaniam * Image
F-Pn NAL 1411 038v Adorate dominum N W Epiphania r Image
F-Pn NAL 1411 037r Adorate dominum M W 3. Epiphania r Image
F-Pn Latin 1085 025v Adorate dominum M W 2. Octava Epiphaniae * Image
F-Pn Latin 1085 024r Adorate dominum M W 2. Epiphania * Image
F-Pn Latin 15181 171r Adorate dominum* S W Epiphania * Image
F-Pn Latin 15181 169v Adorate dominum in aula sancta M W Epiphania * Image
F-Pn Latin 15181 164v Adorate dominum in aula sancta M W 2. Epiphania * Image
F-Pn Latin 12044 025r Adorate dominum R. In aula* M W 2. Epiphania r Image
F-TOm 149 112v Adorate dominum S W Epiphania *
F-TOm 149 106v Adorate dominum M W 3. Epiphania *
F-VAL 114 026v Adorate dominum M W 2. Epiphania r
GB-WO F. 160 (olim 1247) (facsimile) 055 Adorate dominum* M W 3. Epiphania *
GB-WO F. 160 (olim 1247) (with hymnal) 027v Adorate dominum M W 3. Epiphania *
H-Bu lat. 118 098v Adorate dominus S W Epiphania *
H-Bu lat. 118 092v Adorate dominum alleluia M W 3. Epiphania *
H-Bu lat. 118 098r Adorate dominum alleluia L W Epiphania r
H-Bu lat. 118 098v Adorate dominum N W Epiphania *
HR-Hf Cod. C Nr. 4 272 Adorate dominum alleluia M W 3. Epiphania *
HR-Hf Cod. C Nr. 4 288 Adorate dominum alleluia S W Epiphania *
I-Ac 694 050r Adorate dominum alleluia L W Epiphania *
I-Ac 694 050v Adorate dominum alleluia N W Epiphania *
I-Ac 694 048r Adorate dominum alleluia M W 3. Epiphania *
I-Ac 694 050r Adorate dominum alleluia S W Epiphania *
I-Ad 5 085 Adorate dominum alleluia S W Epiphania r
I-Ad 5 081 Adorate dominum alleluia M W 3. Epiphania r
I-BV V 19 166r Adorate dominum alleluia T W Epiphania *
I-CHV s.c. 023r Adorate dominum* M W 3. Epiphania *
I-Fl Conv. sopp. 560 038v Adorate dominum M W 2. Epiphania r
I-Lc 601 077 Adorate dominum* M W 2. Octava Epiphaniae *
I-Lc 601 070 Adorate dominum* M W 2. Epiphania *
I-MZ 15/79 036r Adorate dominum alleluia L W Epiphania *
I-Nn vi. E. 20 046v Adorate dominum alleluia S W Epiphania *
I-Nn vi. E. 20 046v Adorate dominum alleluia N W Epiphania *
I-Nn vi. E. 20 044v Adorate dominum alleluia M W 3. Epiphania *
I-Nn vi. E. 20 046r Adorate dominum alleluia L W Epiphania r
I-PCd cod. 65 291r Adorate dominum M W 3. Epiphania *
I-Rv C.5 052v Adorate dominum M W 2. Epiphania *
NL-Uu Ms. 406 (shelfmark 3 J 7) 039r Adorate dominum R. In aula M W 2. Epiphania * Image
NL-Uu Ms. 406 (shelfmark 3 J 7) 177v Adorate dominum In aula sancta* M W 3. In Dedicatione Eccl. * Image
NL-Uu Ms. 406 (shelfmark 3 J 7) 178r Adorate dominum R. In aula N W In Dedicatione Eccl. * Image
PL-WRu Ms. R 503 033r Adorate* L W Epiphania,8 *
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) 205v Adorate dominum alleluia N W Michaelis *
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) 205r Adorate dominum L W Michaelis *
US-Cn 24 065r Adorate dominum alleluia S W Epiphania *
US-Cn 24 063v Adorate dominum alleluia M W 3. Epiphania *
US-Cn 24 065r Adorate dominum alleluia L W Epiphania *
US-Cn 24 065r Adorate dominum alleluia N W Epiphania *
V-CVbav lat. 8737 019r Adorate dominum alleluia M W 3. Epiphania * Image
V-CVbav Cappella Sistina 27 134v Adorate dominum alleluia S W Epiphania r
V-CVbav Cappella Sistina 27 135v Adorate deum alleluia N W Epiphania r
Cantus MA Impr. 1537 439r Adorate dominum alleluia R. In M W 3. In Dedicatione Eccl. * Image
Cantus MA Impr. 1537 440v Adorate dominum alleluia S W In Dedicatione Eccl. * Image
Cantus MA Impr. 1537 436r Adorate deum alleluia S W Michaelis * Image
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