Chants by Cantus ID: 007452

Displaying 1-100 of 175 chants.

Source Folio Title Service Genre Position Feast Mode 1 Facsimile
A-Gu 30 (olim 38/9 f.) 371r Pulchra facie sed pulchrior fide M R 2.3 Comm. plurimorum Virginum 5 Image
A-Gu 30 (olim 38/9 f.) 369r Pulchra* M R 2.4 Elisabeth Hung. * Image
A-Gu 29 (olim 38/8 f.) 379v Pulchra facie sed pulchrior fide X R Agnetis 2 Image
A-Gu 29 (olim 38/8 f.) 348v Pulchra facie sed pulchrior fide M R 2.3 Comm. plurimorum Virginum 5 Image
A-Gu 29 (olim 38/8 f.) 252v Pulchra facie* M R 3.3 Agnetis 5 Image
A-Gu 29 (olim 38/8 f.) 219v Pulchra facie* M R 2.3 Luciae * Image
A-Gu 29 (olim 38/8 f.) 202v Pulchra facie* M R 3.2 Agnetis * Image
A-KN CCl 1010 068v Pulchra facie* M R 2 Octava Agnetis * Image
A-KN CCl 1015 095v Pulchra facie sed pulchrior M R 3.2 Agnetis 5 Image
A-KN CCl 1011 117r Pulchra facie* M R 2 Octava Agnetis * Image
A-KN CCl 1011 114v Pulchra facie sed pulchrior M R 3.2 Agnetis 5 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 100r Pulchra facie* M R 2 Octava Agnetis * Image
A-KN CCl 1010 064v Pulchra facie sed pulchrior M R 3.2 Agnetis 5 Image
A-KN CCl 1017 093v Pulchra facie* M R 2 Octava Agnetis *
A-KN CCl 1017 087v Pulchra facie sed pulchrior M R 3.2 Agnetis 5
A-KN CCl 1013 080v Pulchra facie* M R 2 Octava Agnetis * Image
A-KN CCl 1013 076v Pulchra facie sed pulchrior M R 3.2 Agnetis 5 Image
A-KR Schachtel VI/258 018v Pulchra facie sed pulchrior M R 3.2 Agnetis ?
A-LIb 290 (olim 183; olim Gamma p 19) 333r Pulchra facie* M R 1.3 Mariae Magdalenae * Image
A-LIb 290 (olim 183; olim Gamma p 19) 298v Pulchra facie* M R 3 Octava Agnetis * Image
A-LIb 290 (olim 183; olim Gamma p 19) 290r Pulchra facie* M R 1.3 Luciae * Image
A-LIb 290 (olim 183; olim Gamma p 19) 297r Pulchra facie sed pulchrior M R 3.3 Agnetis 5 Image
A-SF XI 480 120v Pulchra facie sed pulchrior M R 3.2 Agnetis 5
A-SF XI 480 272r Pulchra facie sed pulchrior M R 2.3 Comm. plurimorum Virginum 5
A-VOR 287 (olim XXIX) 037r Pulchra facie sed pulchrior M R 3.2 Agnetis 5 Image
A-Wda C-10 212v Pulchra facie sed pulchrior M R 1.3 Comm. unius Virginis non Martyris 5 Image
A-Wda C-11 164r Pulchra facie* M R 2 Octava Agnetis * Image
A-Wda C-11 158v Pulchra facie sed pulchrior M R 3.2 Agnetis 5 Image
A-Wda C-11 210r Pulchra facie sed pulchrior M R 1.3 Comm. unius Virginis non Martyris 5 Image
A-Wn Cod. 1890 084r Pulchra facie* M R 3 Agnetis,8 * Image
A-Wn Cod. 1890 319v Pulchra facie sed pulchrior fide M R 1.4 Comm. plurimorum Virginum 5 Image
A-Wn Cod. 1890 247r Pulchra facie* M R 1.2 Afrae * Image
A-Wn Cod. 1890 236v Pulchra facie* M R 1.2 Mariae Magdalenae * Image
A-Wn Cod. 1890 079v Pulchra facie* M R 3.3 Agnetis 5 Image
A-Wn 1799** 119v Pulchra facie sed pulchrior fide M R 3.3 Agnetis 5 Image
A-Wn 1799** 117v Pulchra facie* V R Agnetis 5 Image
B-TOb 64 (olim IV) 182v Pulchra facie sed pulchrior M R 3.2 Agnetis 5
B-TOb 64 (olim IV) 238r Pulchra facie sed pulchrior M R 1.2 Comm. unius Virginis 5
B-TOb 63 (olim V) 198v Pulchra facie sed pulchrior fide M R 3.2 Agnetis 5
B-TOb 63 (olim V) 254r Pulchra facie sed pulchrior fide M R 1.2 Comm. unius Virginis 5
CDN-Hsmu M2149.L4 1554 161r Pulchra facie sed pulchrior fide M R 3.3 Agnetis 5 Image
CDN-Hsmu M2149.L4 1554 157r Pulchra facie* V R Agnetis * Image
CDN-Mrb MS Medieval 0234 112r Pulchra facie* M R 8 Agathae 4
CDN-Mrb MS Medieval 0234 108r Pulchra facie* M R 8 Agnetis 5
CH-E 611 266v Pulchra facie* M R 2.3 Comm. plurimorum Virginum * Image
CH-E 611 169r Pulchra facie sed pulchrior fide M R 3.2 Agnetis 5 Image
CH-Fco Ms. 2 243v Pulchra facie sed pulchrior fide M R 10 Comm. plurimorum Virginum 5 Image
CH-SGs 388 382 Pulchra facie* M R 3.2 Comm. plurimorum Virginum * Image
CH-SGs 391 195 Pulchra facie* V2 R Afrae * Image
CH-SGs 388 116 Pulchra facie sed pulchrior fide M R 3.2 Agnetis 5 Image
CH-SGs 388 286 Pulchra facie* V2 R Afrae * Image
CH-SGs 388 384 Pulchra facie* V2 R Comm. plurimorum Virginum * Image
CH-SGs 388 467 Pulchra facie sed pulchrior fide M R 2.3 Comm. plurimorum Virginum * Image
CH-SGs 391 191 Pulchra facie* V2 R Comm. plurimorum Virginum * Image
CH-SGs 391 189 Pulchra facie* M R 3.2 Comm. plurimorum Virginum * Image
CH-SGs 390 113 Pulchra facie sed pulchrior fide M R 3.2 Agnetis 5 Image
CZ-Pu VI.E.4c 146v Pulchra facie* M R 1.3 Octava Agnetis
CZ-Pu XIV.B.13 070r Pulchra facie sed pulchrior M R 3.2 Agnetis 5 Image
CZ-Pu VI.E.4c 154v Pulchra f* M R 1.3 Scholasticae
CZ-Pu VI.E.4c 023r Pulchra facie sed pulchrior M R 1.4 Comm. plurimorum Virginum
CZ-Pu VI.E.4c 143v Pulchra facie sed pulchrior fide M R 3.3 Agnetis
D-AAm G 20 231r Pulchra facie sed pulchrior M R 3.2 Agnetis 5
D-B Mus. 40047 128r Pulchra facie sed pulchrior M R 3.2 Comm. plurimorum Virginum 5 Image
D-B Mus. 40047 100r Pulchra facie* M R 2.2 Decoll. Jo. Bapt. * Image
D-B Mus. 40047 036v Pulchra facie sed pulchrior M R 3.2 Agnetis 5 Image
D-BAs Msc.Lit.25 (olim Ed.IV.11) 099v Pulchra facie* M R 2.2 Tr. Kunegundis * Image
D-BAs Msc.Lit.25 (olim Ed.IV.11) 121v Pulchra facie* M R 3.3 Comm. plurimorum Virginum * Image
D-BAs Msc.Lit.25 (olim Ed.IV.11) 030v Pulchra facie sed pulchrior M R 3.2 Agnetis 5 Image
D-FUl Aa 55 212r Pulchra facie sed pulchrior M R 10 Comm. plurimorum Virginum 5 Image
D-KA Aug. LX 042v Pulchra facie sed pulchrior fide M R 3.3 Agnetis 5 Image
D-KNd 1161 086r Pulchra facie* V R Agnetis 5 Image
D-KNd 1161 088r Pulchra facie sed pulchrior fide M R 3.3 Agnetis 5 Image
D-KNd 215 050v Pulchra facie sed pulchrior fide M R 3.2 Agnetis 5 Image
D-KNd 215 187v Pulchra facie* M R 2.3 Comm. plurimorum Virginum 5 Image
D-MZb E 351v Pulchra facie sed pulchrior M R 3.2 Agnetis 5
D-MZb D 231r Pulchra facie sed pulchrior M R 2.1 Comm. unius Virginis Martyris 5
D-Ma 12o Cmm 1 217r Pulchra facie sed pulchrior M R 10 Comm. plurimorum Virginum 5
D-Mbs Clm 4304 049v Pulchra facie sed pulchrior M R 3.2 Comm. plurimorum Virginum 5 Image
D-Mbs Clm 4305 129r Pulchra facie* M R 8 Inventio Afrae * Image
D-Sl HB.I.55 034r Pulchra facie sed pulchrior M R 3.3 Agnetis 5
D-W Cod. Guelf. 28 Helmst. (Heinemann-Nr. 31) 079v Pulchra facie sed pulchrior M R 3.2 Agnetis 5
D-W Cod. Guelf. 28 Helmst. (Heinemann-Nr. 31) 076r Pulchra facie* V R Agnetis *
DK-Kk Gl. Kgl. S. 3449 8o [14] XIV 117v Pulchra facie* M R 2.1 Luciae * Image
DK-Kk Gl. Kgl. S. 3449 8o [17] XVII 102r Pulchra facie sed pulchrior M R 3.2 Comm. plurimorum Virginum 5 Image
DK-Kk Gl. Kgl. S. 3449 8o [14] XIV 205v Pulchra facie* M R 3.2 Agnetis * Image
E-Tc 44.2 044r Pulchra facie sed pulchrior M R 8 Agnetis 5
E-Tc 44.1 037r Pulchra facie sed pulchrior M R 2 Agnetis 5
F-AI 44 073r Pulchra facie sed pulchrior M R 2 Agnetis *
F-AS 465 (CGM 893) 386r Pulchra facie* M R 2.2 Rictrudis * Image
F-AS 465 (CGM 893) 488v Pulchra facie* M R 2.2 Catharinae * Image
F-AS 465 (CGM 893) 342v Pulchra facie* M R 2.2 Agathae * Image
F-AS 465 (CGM 893) 530v Pulchra facie* M R 2.2 Barbarae * Image
F-AS 465 (CGM 893) 324v Pulchra facie sed pulchrior M R 1.2 Agnetis 5 Image
F-AS 465 (CGM 893) 515r Pulchra facie sed pulchrior M R 2.2 Comm. plurimorum Virginum 5 Image
F-AS 465 (CGM 893) 350r Pulchra facie* M R 2.2 Scholasticae * Image
F-CA 38 (olim 40) 324r Pulchra facie* M R 2.2 Decoll. Jo. Bapt. 5
F-CA 38 (olim 40) 400r Pulchra facie sed pulchrior fide M R 1.2 Comm. unius Virginis 5 Image
F-CA 38 (olim 40) 230v Pulchra facie sed pulchrior fide M R 1.2 Agnetis 5
F-CA Impr. XVI C 4 223r Pulchra facie sed pulchrior M R 1.2 Comm. unius Virginis 5
F-Pn Latin 1085 007v Pulchra facie* V R Valeriae 5* Image
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