Chants by Cantus ID: 007742 | Cantus Database

Chants by Cantus ID: 007742

Displaying 1-100 of 102 chants
Source Folio Title Service Genre Position Feast Mode 1 Facsimile
A-KN CCl 1013 152r Surrexit pastor* V R Octava Paschae * Image
A-KN CCl 1013 150v Surrexit pastor bonus qui posuit M R 1.3 Fer. 5 p. Pascha 1 Image
A-KN CCl 1018 012r Surrexit pastor bonus qui posuit M R 1.3 Fer. 5 p. Pascha 1 1 Image
A-KN CCl 589 007r Surrexit pastor bonus qui M R 1.3 Fer. 5 p. Pascha 1 Image
A-KR VI/258 031v Surrexit pastor bonus qui V R Octava Paschae 1
A-KR VI/258 035v Surrexit pastor bonus* V2 R Dom. 3 p. Pascha 1
A-LIb 290 221v Surrexit pastor bonus qui M R 3.1 Octava Paschae 1 Image
A-SF XI 480 151r Surrexit pastor bonus qui M R 4 Fer. 5 p. Pascha 1
A-VOR 287 085r Surrexit pastor bonus qui M R 3 Fer. 5 p. Pascha 1 Image
A-VOR 287 101v Surrexit pastor bonus* M R 3.2 Inventio Crucis * Image
A-VOR 287 086v Surrexit pastor* V R Octava Paschae * Image
A-Wda C-10 006r Surrexit pastor bonus qui M R 3 Fer. 5 p. Pascha 1 Image
A-Wda D-4 073r Surrexit pastor bonus qui V2 R Sabb. p. Oct. Asc. 1 Image
A-Wda D-4 062r Surrexit pastor bonus* V R Octava Paschae * Image
A-Wn Cod. 1890 166v Surrexit pastor bonus qui posuit M R 1.3 Fer. 4 p. Pascha 1 Image
CDN-Mlr MS Medieval 0220 (fragment) 002r Surrexit pastor bonus* M R 2 Fer. 5 p. Pascha *
CH-E 611 095r Surrexit pastor bonus qui posuit V R Octava Paschae 1 1 Image
CH-E 611 095v Surrexit pastor* M R 3.1 Octava Paschae * Image
CH-Fco Ms. 2 110v Surrexit pastor bonus qui animam M R 1 Fer. 5 p. Pascha 1 1 Image
CH-SGs 388 232 Surrexit pastor bonus* M R 1.3 Inventio Crucis * Image
CH-SGs 388 210 Surrexit pastor bonus qui posuit M R 3 Fer. 5 p. Pascha 1 Image
CH-SGs 388 212 Surrexit pastor* M R 10 Octava Paschae * Image
CH-SGs 391 043 Surrexit pastor bonus qui posuit M R 3 Fer. 5 p. Pascha 1 Image
CH-SGs 391 045 Surrexit pastor* M R 10 Octava Paschae * Image
CH-SGs 391 061 Surrexit pastor bonus* M R 1.3 Inventio Crucis * Image
CZ-Pu XIV B 13 150v Surrexit pastor* X R 4 Exaltatio Crucis * Image
D-AAm G 20 102r Surrexit pastor bonus qui M R 1.3 Sabbato in Albis 4
D-B Mus. 40047 071r Surrexit pastor* M R 3 Sabbato in Albis * Image
D-B Mus. 40047 070r Surrexit pastor bonus qui M R 4 Fer. 4 p. Pascha 1 Image
D-BAs Msc.Lit.25 057v Surrexit pastor bonus qui M R 1.2 Feria 5 TP 1 Image
D-KA Aug. LX 098v Surrexit pastor bonus qui posuit X R P Sabbato TP 1 1 Image
D-Ma 12o Cmm 1 114r Surrexit pastor bonus qui M R 1 Fer. 5 p. Pascha 1
D-Mbs Clm 4306 081v Surrexit pastor bonus qui M R 3.1 Dom. Resurrectionis 1 1 Image
D-Sl HB.I.55 087r Surrexit pastor bonus qui M R 4 Fer. 4 p. Pascha 1
D-Sl HB.I.55 088v Surrexit pastor* M R 3.1 Octava Paschae *
D-Sl HB.I.55 088r Surrexit pastor* M R 3 Sabbato in Albis 1
D-W 29 Helmst. 123v Surrexit pastor bonus qui M R 3 Sabbato in Albis 1
DK-Kk 3449 8o [06] VI 058r Surrexit pastor bonus qui M R Fer. 5 p. Pascha 1 1 Image
E-SA 6 116v Surrexit pastor bonus qui animam M R 1.2 Fer. 2 p. Pascha 1
E-SA 6 123r Surrexit pastor bonus qui animam M R 2.2 Octava Paschae 1
E-Tc 44.1 077v Surrexit pastor bonus qui M R 9 Dom. Resurrectionis 1
E-Tc 44.2 097r Surrexit pastor* M R 3.1 Octava Paschae 1
E-Tc 44.2 095r Surrexit pastor bonus qui M R 3 Fer. 4 p. Pascha 1
F-AI 44 093r Surrexit pastor bonus qui M R 9 Dom. Resurrectionis *
F-AS 465 (CGM 893) 167v Surrexit pastor* M R 2.3 Octava Paschae * Image
F-AS 465 (CGM 893) 165r Surrexit pastor* M R 1.2 Fer. 6 p. Pascha * Image
F-AS 465 (CGM 893) 159r Surrexit pastor bonus qui M R 2.3 Dom. Resurrectionis 1 Image
F-AS 465 (CGM 893) 163r Surrexit* M R 1.2 Fer. 3 p. Pascha * Image
F-CA 38 129r Surrexit pastor* M R 2 Fer. 6 p. Pascha 1
F-CA 38 130r Surrexit pastor bonus* V R Octava Paschae 1
F-CA 38 131r Surrexit pastor bonus* M R 3.2 Octava Paschae 1
F-CA 38 125r Surrexit pastor bonus qui posuit M R 2 Fer. 3 p. Pascha 1
F-Pn Lat. 1085 059v Surrexit pastor bonus* M R 3.2 Dom. Resurrectionis 1 Image
F-Pn Lat. 1085 059v Surrexit pastor* M R 2.3 Dom. Resurrectionis * Image
F-Pn Lat. 1085 061r Surrexit pastor bonus* M R 1.2 Fer. 5 p. Pascha 1* Image
F-Pn Lat. 1085 061r Surrexit pastor* M R 1.3 Fer. 6 p. Pascha 1* Image
F-Pn Lat. 1090 078r Surrexit pastor bonus qui posuit M R 1 Fer. 6 p. Pascha 1 Image
F-Pn Lat. 12044 104v Surrexit* M R 1.1 Sabbato in Albis 1 Image
F-Pn Lat. 12044 103r Surrexit pastor bonus qui posuit M R 1.1 Fer. 4 p. Pascha 1 1 Image
F-Pn Lat. 1240 077r Surrexit pastor bonus* M R 3 Fer. 5 p. Pascha *
F-Pn Lat. 15181 308v Surrexit pastor* M R 3 Sabbato in Albis * Image
F-Pn Lat. 15181 302r Surrexit pastor bonus qui posuit M R 3 Fer. 3 p. Pascha 1 1 Image
F-TOm 149 321r Surrexit* M R 3 Fer. 6 p. Oct.Pasch. *
F-TOm 149 311v Surrexit pastor bonus* M R 2.3 Octava Paschae *
F-TOm 149 317r Surrexit* M R 3 Fer. 3 p. Oct.Pasch. *
F-VAL 114 064r Surrexit pastor bonus qui M R 3.1 Dom. Resurrectionis 1
GB-Ob MS. Canon. Liturg. 202 075r Surrexit pastor bonus qui M R 1.3 Fer. 5 p. Pascha 1
GB-WO F.160 068r Surrexit pastor* M R 2.3 Octava Paschae *
GB-WO F.160 067v Surrexit pastor* M R 3 Fer. 6 p. Pascha *
GB-WO F.160 066v Surrexit pastor bonus qui M R 3 Fer. 3 p. Pascha 1
GB-WO F.160 (Facs) 135 Surrexit pastor* M R 3 Fer. 6 p. Pascha *
GB-WO F.160 (Facs) 136 Surrexit pastor* M R 2.3 Octava Paschae *
GB-WO F.160 (Facs) 133 Surrexit pastor bonus qui posuit M R 3 Fer. 3 p. Pascha 1
H-Bu lat. 119 005v Surrexit pastor* M R 2 Fer. 2 p. Pascha *
H-Bu lat. 119 009r Surrexit pastor bonus qui M R 3 Fer. 5 p. Pascha 1
HR-Hf Cod. F 013r Surrexit pastor bonus qui M R 1 Fer. 5 p. Pascha 1
I-AO 6 017v Surrexit pastor bonus qui M R 3 Fer. 5 p. Pascha 1
I-Ac 693 125r Surrexit pastor bonus qui animam M R 1 Fer. 5 p. Pascha 1 1
I-Ac 694 145r Surrexit pastor bonus qui M R 1 Fer. 5 p. Pascha 1
I-Ad 5 233 Surrexit pastor bonus qui M R 1 Fer. 5 p. Pascha 1
I-BV V 20 007v Surrexit pastor* M R 3 Fer. 6 p. Pascha *
I-BV V 20 001r Surrexit pastor bonus qui M R 2 Fer. 3 p. Pascha 1
I-Far s.c. 115v Surrexit pastor bonus qui M R 1.2 Fer. 3 p. Pascha 1
I-Fl Conv. sopp. 560 113v Surrexit pastor bonus qui M R 8 Dom. Resurrectionis 1
I-Fl Conv. sopp. 560 116r Surrexit pastor* M R 2 Fer. 3 p. Pascha *
I-Fl Conv. sopp. 560 118r Surrexit pastor* M R 3 Fer. 6 p. Pascha *
I-Lc 601 212 Surrexit pastor bonus qui M R 3.1 Dom. Resurrectionis 1
I-MZ 15/79 111v Surrexit pastor bonus qui M R 3 Fer. 4 p. Pascha 1
I-Nn vi.E.20 141r Surrexit pastor bonus qui M R 1 Fer. 5 p. Pascha 1
I-PCd cod. 65 334r Surrexit pastor bonus qui M R 1 Fer. 5 p. Pascha 1
I-Rv C.5 156v Surrexit pastor bonus* M R 1.2 Fer. 5 p. Pascha *
I-Rv C.5 159v Surrexit pastor bonus qui M R 3.2 Octava Paschae 1
V-CVbav B.79 105v Surrexit pastor bonus qui animam M R 1.2 Fer. 3 p. Pascha D 1 Image
V-CVbav 8737 111v Surrexit pastor bonus qui M R 1 Fer. 5 p. Pascha 1 Image
MA Impr. 1537 145v Surrexit pastor bonus qui posuit M R 3 Sabbato in Albis 1 Image
MA Impr. 1537 149r Surrexit* M R 3 Sabb. p. Oct. Pasch. * Image
CDN-Ttfl MSS 09700 117v Surrexit pastor bonus qui animam M R 1 Fer. 5 p. Pascha *
NL-Uu 406 (3 J 7) 100v Surrexit pastor bonus qui posuit M R 3 Sabbato in Albis 1 1 Image
NL-Uu 406 (3 J 7) 102v Surrexit pastor* M R 3 Sabb. p. Oct. Pasch. 1 1 Image
NL-ZUa 6 010r Surrexit pastor bonus qui M R 3 Sabbato in Albis 1
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